Thursday 1 September 2016

Welcome back my MIGHTY 56ers!

Wow, St. Francis is sure a lucky school to have such a great bunch of kids, especially the 5/6 class. (I am very biased, ha ha!)

Forms were sent home today:  2 for the office due Sept. 9th, and an electronic agreement form due Sept. 6th. 

 (I have to organize them before handing them into the office)

The students labelled their duo-tangs, set up their binder with the subject tabs and organized all their materials.  If you did not do this today, please have your binder & tabs setup right away so you are organized and ready to go for class.

Students, when the Mathletics, Pearson e-text, New-o-matic programs, etc are up and running, I will get you your logins & passwords.  We will soon be checking your Office365 email login & password soon so if you can try to remember it from last year.  If you cannot, no panic, I can reset your password so come with one you would easily remember.  It should be 7 characters long with a number in it and/or symbol for added security.

PS:  If you are participating in XCountry, please bring back your signed permission form right away and put the schedule letter on your fridge door or wherever your family puts important schedules to look at.

I had a great, hot, sweaty day with my new family.  Here are a few of my favorite inspirational pics to enjoy!

Monday 30 May 2016

Yearend Class Actvities Letter

Today I sent home a letter with the details for the end of the year activities.  I thought I would put a copy here just in case it did not make it home.


Friday 29 April 2016

End of April - Stay on top of your work!

Upcoming assignments:

May 2 - Career Guidance Interview due
May 3 - Fully Alive Fertility Sheet due
May 4 - Perform group Entertainment Tonight Skit
May 5 - Career Guidance Job Research Chart or PowerPoint with research notes due
May 17 - Raffle tickets money or booklet returned (STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE BOOKLET COST IF LOST OR NOT RETURNED)

Yearend Testing Information: KNOW DATES!

Being Organized is crucial to achieving goals!

A few weeks ago the class planned out a testing schedule to help them best achieve successful outcomes on the yearend:  RAD, Writing expository essay, and Math test. 

In the last few weeks, we just completed a RAD test with outstanding results and an expository essay to review all requirements of the test along with test-taking tips to save time and elevate success level.

Here is the testing plan:

(note:  dates could change due to scheduling issues)

RAD Test  (May16 - 18) 
Done over 3 days working around class switches/band/track
Please be at school and well rested. 

Writing Test  (Revised on May 18, see requirements below)
This is a timed 3 hour test.  We have practiced the format in class but knowing the testing format will always save you time. 


1) May 11: Essay topic due WITH research brought to school
                        Students must bring their Xeroxed research/books that they will use for planning

2) May 11: Student writes essay prompt on his/her organizer

3)  May 18:  1 hour to complete essay organizer, many chose to draft also due to next week Track meet juggle

4)  May 24:  1 hour to draft then edit & revise essay if drafting was started last week

5)  May 25:  1 hour to edit & revise draft in red ink or complete if started early

6)  May 25 & 26:   Students write a final copy for evaluator (NOT PART OF 3 HOUR TEST)

Math Test  (June 1) 

1)  May 16 - May 24:  Cumulative reviews from textbook covering the whole year's course.

2)  May 25 - 31: 

      a)  Q & A sessions on student need for self-assessing study needs
          (students come to class prepared to ask for practice in chosen topics)

     b)  Exam practice questions for self-assessing one's knowledge level & areas to further strengthen

All year long in our Math classes I have shared tricks of the trade, test taking tips and efficient study methods to save time and elevate student success.  As we go through the reviews I will again share this information as it pertains to the given topics.


Wednesday 20 April 2016

Busy in all areas!

We still have lots of school left in term 3 so keep working hard! 

We finished our RAD tests today and students should be very proud of themselves as the results were outstanding!  I was literally jumping for joy while marking the tests reading the excellent wording of answers!  The class is well situated to do an excellent job on the yearend RAD test in May.

Please make sure you keep yourself organized and file all materials in the proper place as well as complete all work by the given due dates.  Maximize your class time to complete your work. 

We are working hard in all areas:

School Musical is on Apr. 21.  Normally the school watches the rehearsal for a couple of hours that day.  Anyone with late work will have the opportunity to get caught up during this time frame.  

1)  sheets 78-81 due Apr. 21
2)  Perimeter/area sheets 82 - 85, show all work due Apr. 26
     (students will get them on Apr. 21)

No school on Fri. Apr. 22 but students should use it to complete any outstanding late work, practice Math on Mathletics, and as always READ to earn AR goal points. 

Career Guidance Project due May 2

Drama Group Performances on May 4 (no lates accepted) 
(Remember to bring props, makeup, costumes, whatever you need for the performance)

Fully Alive
1) TV Show Sheet due Apr. 26
2) Human Fertility due May 3 (students given sheet Apr. 26)

Forgiveness booklet due Apr. 25

Chocolate contribution due April 21

School Track Meet on Mon., Apr. 25 (all day)
(Bring lots of water, snacks, lunch, and dress in layers for all types of weather.  Don't forget to bring sunscreen and a hat.)


Class Fun on April 28th PM!
All students who have fulfilled academic requirements will be watching a movie.  This afternoon slot will be given to students needing more time to complete outstanding work.  Note:  it is optional to order pizza for lunch this day.  I will pick up the orders for the students. 
(Pizza details in previous post)

Pizza orders due on April 26 (no lates accepted)

Monday 11 April 2016

Track begins!


We continued our Expository essay today and the organizer was marked today.   Some students need to complete it as the draft cannot be started until it is finished.  Thanks to those who followed instructions and did not start their draft as we were doing it in class today and tomorrow.  Editing and revising will be done on Wed & Thurs. with the essay, organizer, and drafts with rubric due April 15.
Remember:  this essay is to be done at school except for the late organizer work.


Review sheet given today to practice triangle information.

See last few blog posts for additional information.

Thursday 7 April 2016

Full Steam ahead!

The remainder of the term will be fast paced as always due to extas being done such as: track and fit club practices, presentations to attend, 1/2 day track meets, preparation for year end testing, etc.

Students need to continue their success by following procedures and staying on top of their assignments.  Students only have homework if the ample class time provided is not efficiently used.

Some students need to full fill their AR #1-3 class reward goals for the class to receive the provided prizes.  Our class has currently earned 2/5 rewards and most students are working on their level 4 & 5 goals. 



We are currently practicing our expository writing skills.  All students are to have the full organizer completed by April 8.


We continue our balanced literacy stations to elevate reading skills.  Students are using blogging skills to enhance comprehension within writing.


April 13 - 3 Link questions due, make sure you provided meaningful, detailed responses with examples.  (due end of class)


We continue to work on Geometry measurement of angles/sides within triangles.  Quadrilaterals are coming.  Students need to practice using their rule &  protractor skills. All students should be using Mathletics to strengthen their understanding of the topics.


April 8 - Survey sheet returned to school
April 15 - Easter Mass in the am, class is walking to church with Mrs. West's class
April 20 - Bring chocolate item for the class fundraising baskets
April 26 - Group pizza order money due, no lates accepted
I discussed in class prices for pizza but forgot to put it in the blog post:  $5.25 per whole pizza, $2.65 if sharing a pizza with another (give Mrs. B your partner name).  Remember to tell Mrs. B pizza type wanted:  pepperoni or cheese)
April 28 pm - Pizza Party at lunch with ordered in pizza
 (those full filling all academic requirements have a movie in the afternoon)

Friday 1 April 2016

Welcome Back...Happy Easter!

I finally can do blog posts as error messages are now corrected. Sorry it took so long to be fixed.  

I hope you all had a great time with friends and family!  Thank you for the holidays wishes!  

Please remember to have a protractor at school for the next few weeks as you will be drawing angles in triangles and quads. 

Keep adding expository essay ideas to the paper by your bedside as discussed in class. (To be used later for essay practice and final) Sometimes our greatest ideas come when our minds just open up and wander.

Friday 4 March 2016

One Sport ends and another Begins!

Another busy week as always.  Congrats for demonstrating strong working stamina, following procedures and organization as they are the keys to success in any endeavor in life!

Badminton has now started and anyone interested in participating should be handed in their permission slip along with mandatory attendance to Fit Club as well as all academics taken care of.


Students have been give 4 hours this week alone to work on creatively presenting their group binder section information. (Note:  some groups doing it by paper, others a OneNote collaborative shared binder)

Students should also be working on this at home as it is the first assignment this year I have given as  a 50 - 50 homework/school project. 


We started changing Fractions to decimals to per cent.  Students need to work on their mental math skills so they can focus on the step by step thinking required instead of calculations.

MATHLETICS SCHOOL AND SYSTEM COMPETION:  STUDENTS NEED TO GO ON LIVE MATHLETICS TO CHALLENGE OTHERS.  Several students records show limited participation in this program.  It is a fantastic program to practice skill development using tech and mental math skills.


Some students still need to contribute to the school's Holy Childhood project

Bring Food Bank donations as per Monday's assembly presentation by gr. 1 class

Mar. 4 - Tech club 3:30 - 5 pm to complete late tech work

Mar. 7 - 2 Lent Booklets due

Mar. 8 - Movie Review video placed in Portfolio with all required components

Mar. 10/11 - No School but students need to do Reading, Mathletics, group binder, and any late work still on the books

Mar. 14 - Math Test on Fractions/Decimals/Per Cent

Mar. 15 & 22 - Curling in the am (Remember to read Mr. Brodner's letter, need clean runners, sweats - easy movement pants, mitts, warm layers)

Mar. 17 - Feed a Friend Lunch

Friday 26 February 2016

Grade 6 Crazy Hat & Hair Day Successes!!!

Wow, great school spirit team!  Enjoy the pics!



Feb. 29 - whole novel read

March 15 & 22 - Curling in the am (see Mr. Brodner's letter that went home today)

Wednesday 24 February 2016


Awesome PINK DAY SUPPORT as most students dress in pink, even had a couple of boys wear pink hair ties and a boa feather scarf.  Great participation Jesse D. and Gabriel!


In Balanced Literacy stations we had lots of hard work done on the "Underground Railroad" internet site, group binder, and reading stations.  More time will be given on Word Skills tomorrow as extra catchup.  Some students still need to copy down CH 1-10 words. 

Today we copied out the essay final copy and will complete it tomorrow.  The deadline to complete the essay for anyone behind schedule in Feb. 26 as stated on the homework board & previous blog posts. As you all know this essay is to practice the format for the final exam which we can do now as we are at the end of the term 2.  We will be using these completed essays next week to further develop 6 traits of writing skills in pairs.

March 2 - Novel Vocab. for Ch. 1-10  due

March 16 - Group Novel Binder due (Students should be working on their sections at home.  Remember, you have been given the content, and explanations to show your skills in representing your knowledge.)

Several students still need to earn their AR goals #1 - 3.  Please read at home daily for 30 min to be a supportive class teammate so we can earn the requirements to receive the great school rewards.


We continue to collect money for our school's Holy Childhood project.  Please support!

March 2 - Poverty Lunch & Feed a Friend Lunch orders due
                 (form avail. tomorrow)

March 4 - Poverty Lunch
March 17 - Feed a Friend Lunch

Arts Ed.

March 8 - Movie Review inserted into Portfolio with all


Feb. 26 - Dr. Seuss Crazy Hair/Hat Day


Feb. 26 - Term 2 cutoff date

Feb. 29 -  Students (all are aware who can attend) completed all
                academic requirements with no behavior issues will
                attend the Pats Hockey game.  (Concession is optional,
                please bring a bagged lunch)


Tuesday 9 February 2016

Week of Feb. 8 - 12


Think of one goal you set for yourself at the beginning of the year. Have you made strides toward it? 
Ask yourself:  have I done this, am I regularly doing this to become a stronger independent student strengthening my ability to meet outcomes?

Check out these meaningful pics as they send powerful messages.  I was fortunate to watch Michael Jordan play basketball and hear him share his stories of failure in school, sports and life and how it helped him achieve success. 
It was a powerful presentation that I will remember always! 

In Balanced Lit we continued work on our Underground to Canada novel study.  We had a fantastic discussion yesterday about persuasive essay topics involving slavery.  Students did the 1st part of the planning process and are starting the planning organizer.  The planning organizer should be completed by Thurs. am as we will be drafting for 30 min. on Thurs & Fri.  (1 hour time limit)   Remember, we are doing this all by hand to practice the exam essay writing format within the given time frame.  When we return after the break the draft will already be completed with 2 days to edit/revise and 1 day to copy out the good copy.  (Always indent paragraphs and write draft on every 2nd line)

Students are not to write the draft or edit/revise at home as this is an in-class assignment to practice working stamina and time management skills needed to complete an essay at school.

Students continued to work on switching fractions back/forth between various types plus reducing & comparing fractions. 

Sheets 60, 62/63 (some students assigned all, others sheet 60, 62, all then sheet 63 #1, 3) are to be completed this week in our Guided Math stations.  Plenty of time is provided to complete the assignments in class but many students are struggling with mental math issues which are slowing them down substantially.  As discussed in class, students need to drill/practice their times tables daily to maximize class time. 


As a class we felt it fair to donate per student $1.25 to our school's Holy Child Lenten fundraiser
Students are encouraged to contribute more.

Feb. 10 & 12 - As part of Ash Wednesday and Lent, we are striving towards following through on sacrifice so we will have a "Meatless" lunch.  Students are to bring lunch that has other components to it.

Feb . 10 - Pink t-shirt orders have been extended

Feb. 12 - novel chapters 6-10 read, all students have been given the okay to complete the novel reading as it will no longer be sectioned off per week.  As of Feb. 8, the group novel activities have been assigned and members should be working on them.  It is due on March 18 as we will have to return the novels.

Feb . 23 - RAD mid year test

Feb. 24 - Pink Day, wear your t-shirts
Feb. 26 - Persuasive essay due, hand written to practice exam format
Feb. 26 - Term 2 Cutoff date, all incomplete assignments will be assigned NHI
Feb. 26 - Dr. Seuss Crazy Hat, Wacky Hair Spirit Day
Students should be working through all their Ignition Site sections for Digital Citizenship learning and review.  These sections are crucial to obtaining the skills needed for 21st century learning and tech knowledge/safety.
On Feb. 29 - Grade 4-8 students have an opportunity to attend a Pats game during school hours.  Any students with late work need to complete it  by Feb . 11 to attend the Pats hockey game on Feb. 29. 
Students with late work will have the opportunity to work on it during this time frame. On Fri. Feb. 12, students wrote a note in their agenda signed by themselves and Mrs. B to update their parents.  

Great Shrove Tuesday snack and Liturgy!


Thanks to our great parents who cooked a great lunch for us on Friday!

Have a great break and remember to read, practice mental math skills, and use Mathletics!

Friday 5 February 2016

Awesome day everybody!

Underground to Canada novel study is in full-steam ahead mode!  Students were to have chapters 1-5 read for today. Some need to re-read using their reading strategies to aid in comprehension of the material.  We did a peer book chat for a speaking evaluation with several students struggling to meet outcomes because of limited memory of material.  Always re-read material to insure understanding.

Students have been asked to complete the reading or re-read the material over the weekend.  Some students have clearance to read start reading chapters 6-10 but not all of it as we are doing this in our Balanced Literacy stations. 


I was very proud of working stamina shown with digital citizenship today during our group novel tech project setup.  Students strongly showed their 6/7 essential skills of 21st century learning! Students showed digital citizenship by:
created to set up their OneNote binders online
collaborated & connected by setting up sharing methods
communicated using strong decision making skills by dividing up the novel sections amongst partners
showed critical thinking by finding a better way to show online who did what section.




Many students are struggling with the mental math aspect of reducing  mixed/improper/proper fractions.  REMEMBER WHAT WE TALKED ABOUT IN CLASS WITH MRS. LUDWAR ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF KNOWING THIS SKILL FOR FUTURE GRADE WORK!  Make this a priority and drill daily so you can focus on step by step thinking vs the calculations. 

Work on your 2 fraction sheets which are due on Monday.


Holy Childhood donations school fundraiser, we discussed starting with $1.25 per student for our class contribution. 

WE NEED STUDENTS TO STEP UP AND FOLLOW THROUGH WITH THEIR AR GOALS SO THE CLASS CAN EARN THE 2ND REWARD.  Most students have been waiting for this reward since mid-November. 

Tuesday 2 February 2016

God Bless the Myriam Sister's for helping us with our Lenten Focus

During Lent, stretch your heart through love by fasting, praying, and almsgiving to grow and love as Jesus taught us!


(Myriam Sister Board)

(A growing heart through fasting, prayer, and almsgiving)


The above picture is the class focus during Lent.  How can I enlarge my heart by LISTENING, BEING PRESENT, AND MARVELLING AT - ENCOURAGING to grow as a Catholic young person.

Today we managed to video a few of the group TV show created scenes.  The students did a good job so please watch for a good chuckle!


Monday 1 February 2016

Presentation & Performance Week!

Today was another busy day with a lot accomplished.  We started a new ELA unit called Going the Distance and had a great discussion on Humanity and traits of people who go above/beyond in their endeavors.  I was impressed by the notes generated by the groups.

Upcoming Events

Feb. 2 at 9 am - Jesse R's Bal. Lit Group Inference Blog post  

Feb. 2 - Lenten Personal Service Choice

Feb . 2 - Perform group TV created scene (remember

Feb. 4 - Bio Sway shared with Mrs. B and rubric submitted by 9 am
             (If doing a written essay it is to be handed in with rubric at
             the same time) 

Feb.  4&5 -  Biography Presentations, review rubric 

Feb. 5 - Underground to Canada novel Ch. 1-5 read

                -  Lunch Days Order due

Feb. 12 - Lunch Day

Feb. 24 - Pink Day in support of Anti-Bullying Day

Feb. 26 - Dr. Seuss Crazy Hat/Hair Day

The Importance of Participation in becoming an              Independent Learner!

Friday 22 January 2016

Excellent work stamina week!

Great work week shout out to all!  Your problem - solving skills are getting stronger and stronger with your growing independence and self-reflection skills. 

You had work time on SWAY Biography, did a RAD test, completed your TV scene script, worked on Ignition digital citizenship program, read for AR class goals, and learned tricks of the trade to help with Math activities to calculate angles in triangles. 

Remember to daily read 30 min for AR goals, do Mathletics, and work on the Ignition site to help the class qualify for NHL prizes. 

A huge shout out to Arvie, Pearayne, Trenese, Richmon, and Ken for creating our class' beautiful stations of the cross canvasses for the church. 

As discussed with the class yesterday a few students still need to full fill their portfolios requirements from December.  You need to make arrangements with Mrs. B to complete these EE self-reflections as we will be doing the Jan/Feb portfolio work fairly soon. 

Monday 18 January 2016


Since the start of the school year, Digital Citizenship has been a daily occurrence in our class as it is in everyone's life in the 21st century.  Students need to know the ins/outs of safely using a computer/program as well as the internet for personal safety/plagiarism laws.  

Our class is now enrolled in the Ignition Digital Citizenship Program sponsored by the SK Curriculum and the NHL hockey League.  Each student has been registered with their own username & password (small yellow sticky note)  Below is the login to the site.  Please bookmark this site at home on your computers.  Class time will be provided to work through the program to help further strength what has been taught in class. Earplugs are a must so all students,  as listed on the supply list,  need to have a pair daily at school to use when needed.

We started our RAD test today and will continue it this week.

Students also worked on the technical requirements for their biography SWAY and group created drama TV show scene. 

Please follow through with your goals:  daily AR reading for team goals and doing Mathletics to reinforce understanding of Math concepts.

Saturday 16 January 2016

Way to Sway with the SWAY!


(Sample pic of an actual Sway program card)

Congratulations to the class for working so hard learning the new Sway program with Mrs. Stewart-Mitchell!  You should be very proud of yourselves as she told Mr. Wahl that some awesome learning is going on in Mrs. B's classroom, they are  becoming strong digital learners!  Again, a big shout of thanks goes out to Mrs. Stewart-Mitchell for the great compliment.


It is with a heavy heart that I share the following news:  our dear Archbishop Daniel Bohan has now ended his earthly journey and is now in heaven with God.  I had the privilege of meeting Archbishop Bohan on several occasions and he was a witty, kind, personable individual who enjoyed conversing on a variety of topics.  I also had the honor of having him confirm my daughter Cassandra. Our prayers go out to his family and closest friends as he will be deeply missed.


Tuesday 12 January 2016

Biography change of schedule...Flexibility Rocks!

Reading & Writing
Today we continued to work on the Hershey story activity as well as our Biography  sentence writing from jot notes.  Due to the cancelation of Band, the students received an additional hour of tech time to work on writing sentences from their jot notes.

Each student had another conference with Mrs. B. to discuss what work needed to be completed within their biography as well as to check if the setup changes from Monday were completed.  Some students still need to make these setup changes as well as complete the required research on the required 8 subheadings.  Please refer to your assignment sheet and planning organizer if you cannot recall what topics you are missing in your research. As discussed in class, after 10.5 hours and a setup visual on the screen daily, there should not be any setup errors still present in your document. 

SCHEDULE CHANGE TO LEARN NEW COMPUTER PROGRAM:  Mrs. Stewart-Mitchell cannot come on Monday, Jan. 18 to demonstrate the program.  She will be coming on Thursday, Jan. 14 from 12:30 - 1:30 pm.  This should not pose a problem to anyone  because with tomorrow's hours, you will of had 11.5 hours to have your organizer completed in OneDrive following the proper setup with all sentences for the 8 subheadings.  In all reality you should be able to find a few pictures and a video or 2 tomorrow to use in learning the program. 

I will then evaluate the Writing Process tomorrow for those finished early and complete these evaluations in class on  Friday. 

Guided Math stations are working well especially the game/activity station.

Students have been assigned an online Mathletics quiz that can be done between Jan. 14 10:00 am - Sat. Jan. 16 6 pm for marks.  The test closes at 6 pm for evaluation.

Jan. 15 - Parent Interview and Country Project due.  Mr. Brodner was very disappointed with the number of late assignments on the parent interview.

A huge shout out to Ken, Pearayne, Richmon, Arvie, and Trenese for volunteering to draw and color our class' 2 Stations of the Cross canvas boards for the church!  I am very proud of your planning skills and problem-solving abilities to complete this project in 14 days! 

Monday 11 January 2016

Working Stamina full steam ahead!

Biography Project
Last week the students had 7.5 hours of class tech time to research and complete the planning organizer provided as per classroom instructions. 

Mon/Tues/Wed  tech time this week (3 hours) will be dedicated to making sentences out of the researched jot notes.  Students are to put information into their own words so they are not plagiarizing.   Some students still need to complete their organizer online in OneDrive  (paper copy was used as a backup)

Thurs/Fri tech time (2 hours) will be dedicated to locating appropriate images & videos for the presentation. 

I will be evaluating this "Writing Process" component of the project on Thurs. & Fri. of this week. 

Students are aware that with an incomplete "Writing Process" component will be required to do a paper biography report.


Hershey story assignment is due on Friday, Jan. 15. 


Outstanding results on today's geometry quiz.


Jan. 13 - Religion Make a Difference Assignment
Jan. 14 - Health Standards (Huge assignment crossing several subjects for assessment)
Jan. 14 &15 - Biography Writing Process component completed
Jan. 14 - Science Communicate page 170 assignment
Feb. 2 - Geometry Test

Thursday 7 January 2016

Awesome day!

Lots was accomplished today.

-practiced again how to make one's own notes in Science

- did another 1.5 hours of biography research = 6 hours so far this week (everyone should be done 8 boxes on their organizer or in OneDrive with proper sources listed, students are to do any needed catchup work at home) 

- talked about standards & how they impact our reputation/identity

-practiced naming angles and accurately measuring them (practice these skills at home for your quiz on Monday)

-worked on a Making a Difference Religion assignment with 2 more work periods next week to complete it

We ended the day storytelling including the silly things done by Mrs. Brassard. Many laughs had by all!

FYI for Monday:

1)Finish all organizer research sections for your biography, start looking for pictures and videos to utilize in your project & store them in your OneDrive folder in the assigned location

2) Prepare for Math quiz

3) Read for 20-30 min every night for class AR points using RAD reading strategies

4) RAD test coming soon

Monday 4 January 2016

Merry Christmas to all!

Merry Christmas everybody as this is our current Catholic season!

Today I taught the students how to go about making their own notes.  When a student makes their own notes they have a stronger memory of them. 

I guided the students through this process on the topic of Types of Angles.  All students wrote down the name of the angle, definition with my labelled diagram.  We also reviewed from grade 5 the symbol for angle and the 2 ways to name an angle which we also placed in the notes.  (Note:  students were instructed to draw angles using rays not segments like in the text so if need to complete your notes, draw arrows onto the ends of the 2 segments as done in class)

Most students completed the 5 types of angles.  (See page 127 if need to complete notes) 

We will be doing Guided Math for the 1st time starting tomorrow.  It is math stations to practice skills independently and 1 re-enforcement station with the teacher to develop thinking skills.  On Friday the class and I will self-reflect together on ways to improve this new way of doing Math.  It is a work in progress that the class and I are working through together.


Jan. 14 - Standards #1-6 (no lates accepted) Do to the variety of interpretation, do not do this at home as Mrs. B is explaining how to answer the questions as we go along.

Geometry protractor needed daily for Math
Jan. 7 Win, Lose, or Draw noon hour tournament starts in Mrs. B's
           room if on a team

Jan. 8 - PJ day
Jan. 11 - DQ order due
Jan. 15 - DQ lunch

Our class New Year's Resolution:  BE BETTER!