Thursday 7 January 2016

Awesome day!

Lots was accomplished today.

-practiced again how to make one's own notes in Science

- did another 1.5 hours of biography research = 6 hours so far this week (everyone should be done 8 boxes on their organizer or in OneDrive with proper sources listed, students are to do any needed catchup work at home) 

- talked about standards & how they impact our reputation/identity

-practiced naming angles and accurately measuring them (practice these skills at home for your quiz on Monday)

-worked on a Making a Difference Religion assignment with 2 more work periods next week to complete it

We ended the day storytelling including the silly things done by Mrs. Brassard. Many laughs had by all!

FYI for Monday:

1)Finish all organizer research sections for your biography, start looking for pictures and videos to utilize in your project & store them in your OneDrive folder in the assigned location

2) Prepare for Math quiz

3) Read for 20-30 min every night for class AR points using RAD reading strategies

4) RAD test coming soon

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