Monday 18 January 2016


Since the start of the school year, Digital Citizenship has been a daily occurrence in our class as it is in everyone's life in the 21st century.  Students need to know the ins/outs of safely using a computer/program as well as the internet for personal safety/plagiarism laws.  

Our class is now enrolled in the Ignition Digital Citizenship Program sponsored by the SK Curriculum and the NHL hockey League.  Each student has been registered with their own username & password (small yellow sticky note)  Below is the login to the site.  Please bookmark this site at home on your computers.  Class time will be provided to work through the program to help further strength what has been taught in class. Earplugs are a must so all students,  as listed on the supply list,  need to have a pair daily at school to use when needed.

We started our RAD test today and will continue it this week.

Students also worked on the technical requirements for their biography SWAY and group created drama TV show scene. 

Please follow through with your goals:  daily AR reading for team goals and doing Mathletics to reinforce understanding of Math concepts.

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