Thursday 7 April 2016

Full Steam ahead!

The remainder of the term will be fast paced as always due to extas being done such as: track and fit club practices, presentations to attend, 1/2 day track meets, preparation for year end testing, etc.

Students need to continue their success by following procedures and staying on top of their assignments.  Students only have homework if the ample class time provided is not efficiently used.

Some students need to full fill their AR #1-3 class reward goals for the class to receive the provided prizes.  Our class has currently earned 2/5 rewards and most students are working on their level 4 & 5 goals. 



We are currently practicing our expository writing skills.  All students are to have the full organizer completed by April 8.


We continue our balanced literacy stations to elevate reading skills.  Students are using blogging skills to enhance comprehension within writing.


April 13 - 3 Link questions due, make sure you provided meaningful, detailed responses with examples.  (due end of class)


We continue to work on Geometry measurement of angles/sides within triangles.  Quadrilaterals are coming.  Students need to practice using their rule &  protractor skills. All students should be using Mathletics to strengthen their understanding of the topics.


April 8 - Survey sheet returned to school
April 15 - Easter Mass in the am, class is walking to church with Mrs. West's class
April 20 - Bring chocolate item for the class fundraising baskets
April 26 - Group pizza order money due, no lates accepted
I discussed in class prices for pizza but forgot to put it in the blog post:  $5.25 per whole pizza, $2.65 if sharing a pizza with another (give Mrs. B your partner name).  Remember to tell Mrs. B pizza type wanted:  pepperoni or cheese)
April 28 pm - Pizza Party at lunch with ordered in pizza
 (those full filling all academic requirements have a movie in the afternoon)

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