Monday 11 January 2016

Working Stamina full steam ahead!

Biography Project
Last week the students had 7.5 hours of class tech time to research and complete the planning organizer provided as per classroom instructions. 

Mon/Tues/Wed  tech time this week (3 hours) will be dedicated to making sentences out of the researched jot notes.  Students are to put information into their own words so they are not plagiarizing.   Some students still need to complete their organizer online in OneDrive  (paper copy was used as a backup)

Thurs/Fri tech time (2 hours) will be dedicated to locating appropriate images & videos for the presentation. 

I will be evaluating this "Writing Process" component of the project on Thurs. & Fri. of this week. 

Students are aware that with an incomplete "Writing Process" component will be required to do a paper biography report.


Hershey story assignment is due on Friday, Jan. 15. 


Outstanding results on today's geometry quiz.


Jan. 13 - Religion Make a Difference Assignment
Jan. 14 - Health Standards (Huge assignment crossing several subjects for assessment)
Jan. 14 &15 - Biography Writing Process component completed
Jan. 14 - Science Communicate page 170 assignment
Feb. 2 - Geometry Test

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