Wednesday 20 April 2016

Busy in all areas!

We still have lots of school left in term 3 so keep working hard! 

We finished our RAD tests today and students should be very proud of themselves as the results were outstanding!  I was literally jumping for joy while marking the tests reading the excellent wording of answers!  The class is well situated to do an excellent job on the yearend RAD test in May.

Please make sure you keep yourself organized and file all materials in the proper place as well as complete all work by the given due dates.  Maximize your class time to complete your work. 

We are working hard in all areas:

School Musical is on Apr. 21.  Normally the school watches the rehearsal for a couple of hours that day.  Anyone with late work will have the opportunity to get caught up during this time frame.  

1)  sheets 78-81 due Apr. 21
2)  Perimeter/area sheets 82 - 85, show all work due Apr. 26
     (students will get them on Apr. 21)

No school on Fri. Apr. 22 but students should use it to complete any outstanding late work, practice Math on Mathletics, and as always READ to earn AR goal points. 

Career Guidance Project due May 2

Drama Group Performances on May 4 (no lates accepted) 
(Remember to bring props, makeup, costumes, whatever you need for the performance)

Fully Alive
1) TV Show Sheet due Apr. 26
2) Human Fertility due May 3 (students given sheet Apr. 26)

Forgiveness booklet due Apr. 25

Chocolate contribution due April 21

School Track Meet on Mon., Apr. 25 (all day)
(Bring lots of water, snacks, lunch, and dress in layers for all types of weather.  Don't forget to bring sunscreen and a hat.)


Class Fun on April 28th PM!
All students who have fulfilled academic requirements will be watching a movie.  This afternoon slot will be given to students needing more time to complete outstanding work.  Note:  it is optional to order pizza for lunch this day.  I will pick up the orders for the students. 
(Pizza details in previous post)

Pizza orders due on April 26 (no lates accepted)

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