Tuesday 9 February 2016

Week of Feb. 8 - 12


Think of one goal you set for yourself at the beginning of the year. Have you made strides toward it? 
Ask yourself:  have I done this, am I regularly doing this to become a stronger independent student strengthening my ability to meet outcomes?

Check out these meaningful pics as they send powerful messages.  I was fortunate to watch Michael Jordan play basketball and hear him share his stories of failure in school, sports and life and how it helped him achieve success. 
It was a powerful presentation that I will remember always! 

In Balanced Lit we continued work on our Underground to Canada novel study.  We had a fantastic discussion yesterday about persuasive essay topics involving slavery.  Students did the 1st part of the planning process and are starting the planning organizer.  The planning organizer should be completed by Thurs. am as we will be drafting for 30 min. on Thurs & Fri.  (1 hour time limit)   Remember, we are doing this all by hand to practice the exam essay writing format within the given time frame.  When we return after the break the draft will already be completed with 2 days to edit/revise and 1 day to copy out the good copy.  (Always indent paragraphs and write draft on every 2nd line)

Students are not to write the draft or edit/revise at home as this is an in-class assignment to practice working stamina and time management skills needed to complete an essay at school.

Students continued to work on switching fractions back/forth between various types plus reducing & comparing fractions. 

Sheets 60, 62/63 (some students assigned all, others sheet 60, 62, all then sheet 63 #1, 3) are to be completed this week in our Guided Math stations.  Plenty of time is provided to complete the assignments in class but many students are struggling with mental math issues which are slowing them down substantially.  As discussed in class, students need to drill/practice their times tables daily to maximize class time. 


As a class we felt it fair to donate per student $1.25 to our school's Holy Child Lenten fundraiser
Students are encouraged to contribute more.

Feb. 10 & 12 - As part of Ash Wednesday and Lent, we are striving towards following through on sacrifice so we will have a "Meatless" lunch.  Students are to bring lunch that has other components to it.

Feb . 10 - Pink t-shirt orders have been extended

Feb. 12 - novel chapters 6-10 read, all students have been given the okay to complete the novel reading as it will no longer be sectioned off per week.  As of Feb. 8, the group novel activities have been assigned and members should be working on them.  It is due on March 18 as we will have to return the novels.

Feb . 23 - RAD mid year test

Feb. 24 - Pink Day, wear your t-shirts
Feb. 26 - Persuasive essay due, hand written to practice exam format
Feb. 26 - Term 2 Cutoff date, all incomplete assignments will be assigned NHI
Feb. 26 - Dr. Seuss Crazy Hat, Wacky Hair Spirit Day
Students should be working through all their Ignition Site sections for Digital Citizenship learning and review.  These sections are crucial to obtaining the skills needed for 21st century learning and tech knowledge/safety.
On Feb. 29 - Grade 4-8 students have an opportunity to attend a Pats game during school hours.  Any students with late work need to complete it  by Feb . 11 to attend the Pats hockey game on Feb. 29. 
Students with late work will have the opportunity to work on it during this time frame. On Fri. Feb. 12, students wrote a note in their agenda signed by themselves and Mrs. B to update their parents.  

Great Shrove Tuesday snack and Liturgy!


Thanks to our great parents who cooked a great lunch for us on Friday!

Have a great break and remember to read, practice mental math skills, and use Mathletics!

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