Tuesday 12 January 2016

Biography change of schedule...Flexibility Rocks!

Reading & Writing
Today we continued to work on the Hershey story activity as well as our Biography  sentence writing from jot notes.  Due to the cancelation of Band, the students received an additional hour of tech time to work on writing sentences from their jot notes.

Each student had another conference with Mrs. B. to discuss what work needed to be completed within their biography as well as to check if the setup changes from Monday were completed.  Some students still need to make these setup changes as well as complete the required research on the required 8 subheadings.  Please refer to your assignment sheet and planning organizer if you cannot recall what topics you are missing in your research. As discussed in class, after 10.5 hours and a setup visual on the screen daily, there should not be any setup errors still present in your document. 

SCHEDULE CHANGE TO LEARN NEW COMPUTER PROGRAM:  Mrs. Stewart-Mitchell cannot come on Monday, Jan. 18 to demonstrate the program.  She will be coming on Thursday, Jan. 14 from 12:30 - 1:30 pm.  This should not pose a problem to anyone  because with tomorrow's hours, you will of had 11.5 hours to have your organizer completed in OneDrive following the proper setup with all sentences for the 8 subheadings.  In all reality you should be able to find a few pictures and a video or 2 tomorrow to use in learning the program. 

I will then evaluate the Writing Process tomorrow for those finished early and complete these evaluations in class on  Friday. 

Guided Math stations are working well especially the game/activity station.

Students have been assigned an online Mathletics quiz that can be done between Jan. 14 10:00 am - Sat. Jan. 16 6 pm for marks.  The test closes at 6 pm for evaluation.

Jan. 15 - Parent Interview and Country Project due.  Mr. Brodner was very disappointed with the number of late assignments on the parent interview.

A huge shout out to Ken, Pearayne, Richmon, Arvie, and Trenese for volunteering to draw and color our class' 2 Stations of the Cross canvas boards for the church!  I am very proud of your planning skills and problem-solving abilities to complete this project in 14 days! 

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