Monday 4 January 2016

Merry Christmas to all!

Merry Christmas everybody as this is our current Catholic season!

Today I taught the students how to go about making their own notes.  When a student makes their own notes they have a stronger memory of them. 

I guided the students through this process on the topic of Types of Angles.  All students wrote down the name of the angle, definition with my labelled diagram.  We also reviewed from grade 5 the symbol for angle and the 2 ways to name an angle which we also placed in the notes.  (Note:  students were instructed to draw angles using rays not segments like in the text so if need to complete your notes, draw arrows onto the ends of the 2 segments as done in class)

Most students completed the 5 types of angles.  (See page 127 if need to complete notes) 

We will be doing Guided Math for the 1st time starting tomorrow.  It is math stations to practice skills independently and 1 re-enforcement station with the teacher to develop thinking skills.  On Friday the class and I will self-reflect together on ways to improve this new way of doing Math.  It is a work in progress that the class and I are working through together.


Jan. 14 - Standards #1-6 (no lates accepted) Do to the variety of interpretation, do not do this at home as Mrs. B is explaining how to answer the questions as we go along.

Geometry protractor needed daily for Math
Jan. 7 Win, Lose, or Draw noon hour tournament starts in Mrs. B's
           room if on a team

Jan. 8 - PJ day
Jan. 11 - DQ order due
Jan. 15 - DQ lunch

Our class New Year's Resolution:  BE BETTER!

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