Tuesday 1 September 2015

Welcome back!


I thoroughly look forward to teaching you again or for the first time this year! Let us begin the year with a desire to be the best that we can.  I will be there to help you become the best possible person you choose to be in and out of the classroom.  It was really great seeing how you all have grown over the summer. 

Please enjoy the funny teacher video!
Here is another video to make you chuckle.

Back to School Video

Here are a few old/new tidbits of information shared in class today:

I know it is a lot but I tried to keep it short & sweet to the point as I know everyone is busy.

Our school will continue to use Balanced Literacy groups in ELA.  We will be starting next week with the school's focus being on "PROCEDURES and "STAMINA".  Students will be shown, explained and given time to learn the procedures of the stations as they will be expected to independently complete them in the required time allotment.  Stamina refers to the students being focused on the given task and working hard for the entire time to create a quality product. (Some students might already be familiar with this terminology and others could be hearing it for the first time.) 

We will be goal setting soon to assist with our 3 Way Conferences.  Our class will do a lot of self -evaluation again to promote responsibility for one's learning.  I have made arrangements to do E-Portfolios to go with self-evaluation on learning outcomes and student goals.  

PLEASE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR SYSTEM'S FREE DOWNLOAD Microsoft Office 2013 Student and Staff Home Use as it will make doing assignments easier for your children.

Please see your child's binder for a list of the Classroom Procedures. 

I will continue to use technology this year as well as expand on the students' usage of Office 365. BYOT (bring your own tech) is a school board opportunity which will be available on a daily basis.  I also will help students develop ideas on how to go about developing a personal routine to check their email accounts as well as practice using Office 365 programming. We also will be doing a lot of blogging.

I hope to have all student email addresses checked by the end of the week.  Parents need to ask their kids for upcoming information as well as get the class blog site address to bookmark on home devices.

Students have several passwords to keep track of :   email, student blog site, AR, our new school Math program (info coming in the future) with probably more to come as the year progresses.

I will post homework, upcoming events and information as needed on our classroom blog.

Students will again have access to an agenda to record their daily assignments, upcoming events, and reminders.

A water bottle should be at school and snacks can be brought from home if needed.  I encourage students to snack for maximum brain power.

Bring some books to read until we have access to the library to start AR.

I look forward to seeing everyone at our "Meet the Teacher Night"  to briefly share direction class will take this year as well as some upcoming class projects, events, and trips.

As I mentioned earlier, there is so much to share so I better stop now so you don't self-destruct due to overload!


Sept. 2 - Let Mrs. B know if email does not work so we can problem solve.
Sept. 3 - 1st Cross Country Meet (lousy parking for parents just to give you the heads up)
Sept. 4 - BYOT form returned to Mrs. B
Sept. 11- Verification forms (long green one + blue one) returned to Mrs. B
Daily practice all tech logins/passwords as you get new ones

 What ever comes our way,
we will do it together as a team!


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