Sunday 20 September 2015

The Days are going by FASSSST!

We completed our last E-Portfolio with Mrs. Stewart-Mitchell.  All students were taught how to do the Explain Everything (EE)  recording component for their portfolios. 

It was a successful workshop with 12 students fully completing recordings into Mrs. B's YouTube account. I emailed all students their YouTube links to copy into their portfolios in the Term 1 - Reading Tab in the RAD Initial page.   CONGRATULATIONS!

Some students still need to complete their tabs, tab pages and insert files from emails. This is crucial for your self-assessment for the year. See an earlier post with all tab names and pages for each tab.  Inserted pages are in emails sent 2 weeks ago.
Please, as discussed in class, do this over your long weekend so you are on track. 

We will be doing another recording soon for your Math test so I would like everyone finished the 1st recording.

Note:  If you need to complete your EE component, you need the school Android which means you need to let me know so if enough students want a Jr. Tech Club Meeting, we will schedule one next week.

Just a reminder to always use the blog to find needed information.  You might need to go back into previous posts to find info as it will not be duplicated every post.

-see previous posts for info already shared
-Sept. 25:  Identity Box Presentation being done  (No lates accepted)
                 Artist Identity Critical Response due


Please over the long weekend, work through the following website on Circuits as the SNAP CIRCUIT kits arrived.  It will help in your experimenting and lab assignments.

Circuits Link
(click about to take you to link, if not working at home, see below address to type in to use)

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