Tuesday 22 September 2015

Electrical Circuit Kits are FUN!

Today we worked in small groups with a circuit kit and learned about circuits, short circuits and parallel circuits.  The kids did a great job working together on their 2 lab activities.

The stunned look of success!

The serious side of JR Scientists thinking & planning!

Tomorrow the groups get to create a circuit project of their choosing.  Looking forward to their creations!


Sept. 23 - Religion Sower due
                Math Page 65 #5-6 due (Do factor trees)
                 Jr Tech Club 3:30 - 5:00 pm for those still needing to
                 complete E-Portfolio and EE video work, make sure you
                 have arranged a ride with parents.
Sept. 25 - Order of Operations Quiz
                 Arts Ed Identity Items Presentation (No lates accepted)
                 Identity Online Critical Response (Students were to do
                 some work on it during the long weekend as only 1 class
                 given to work on it before Sept. 25)
Please work on Mathletics 2-3 times per day to strengthen skills

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