Friday 4 September 2015

Week 1 is done? Wow!

This week sure went fast but they all do now!  The kids were awesome dealing with the heat and cramped quarters.  Today, I re-arranged things so there was more room to move around.  (Just a bit)

Today we started to set up our E-Portfolio in Office 365!  The kids did a great job learning how to do a new tech program. Some students did not have a device because the machines just wouldn't work properly.  They were partnered up to learn so they can do it at home.  I just want to stress that most of the year they will be sharing devices in 2-3 groupings so do not expect always to have a device to yourself.  (BYOT will help you out there)


Everyday practice all tech daily as you get new logins/passwords

Sept. 4:  (late):  Some students still need to give me their parent email address
Sept. 8:  Rough Face Girl due
              Line Art due (glued onto pink paper and cut out with self-eval for Tues. teacher meeting
              Math - Sheets 16/17 due

Sept. 11: School Verification green form, blue school form
               (Some students still need to hand in BYOT agreement sheet as not allowed program access
                until done)

PLEASE HAVE BYOT here next week to help with E-Portfolio work. 

AR coming soon, some students still need to bring a book to read in the meantime

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