Tuesday 15 September 2015

Rain, God's gift of water!

The students and I had a meeting yesterday regarding the signing of agendas.  I am not the teacher 2/5 days in the morning to follow through on this procedure.  I discussed with them what I did a couple of years ago when this also happened.  I have decided that the students agenda will now be solely used as their own personal organizational tool to record homework, notes, etc.  Each student is expected to record their daily homework & information to share with their parents.  The teacher will not be doing the daily signature. Parents can still send me notes, updates via the agenda.

Jr Tech Club permission slip sent home with students.  Next session is Friday, Sept. 18th.

Sept. 16 - Math sheet 22 due
Sept. 17 - Descriptive paragraphs on object due + shared with
                 Mrs. B with all writing process papers + rubrics

Sept. 18 - Immunization forms due


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