Monday 28 September 2015

PIcture Week!




Today we completed the last topic for our Oct. 1st Math test:  Integers.  All students should be practicing as well as study all information given to them on their Exam Outline.  Chapter review starting on Sept. 30:  Pages 82-83 (text) #1-2, 5-12, 14, 16.  Exam study time and a class Q & A will occur on Oct. 1 so all review work needs to be completed to make use of this study time.  Just a note:  in regards to procedures, you know that if you have late Math work it can be submitted until the day before the exam (as it is the end of the unit) or a "0" will be assigned.


We started an expository essay.  Brainstorming done today & planning pages are due tomorrow.
Please do research as you need to put text features along with the researched information into your essay.  Record sources onto the planning sheet. Due date for completion is Oct. 13 shared with Mrs. B by 9:00 am then hand in all paperwork.  This is a large writing project so please stay on top of your work.  I, as we discussed in class, purposely planned it so you would have a long weekend to complete anything not done in class. 

FYINote I have many meetings this week so all work posted today for the week.

Sept. 29 - Toonie for Terry Fox
Sept. 29 - Reading night  in school library
Sept. 30 - Math sheets 30/31 due (started Sept. 29)
Sept. 30 - School Terry Fox walk/run
Oct. 1 - Picture Day
Oct. 2 - Filipino Lunch order due date
Oct. 2 - Math Test
Oct. 2 weekend - Do expository draft typing in OneDrive acct
Oct. 2 - Band at Oneill (1st full band session)
Oct. 2 - Jr Tech Club Meeting (3:30 - 5 pm, have parent rides arranged ahead of time)
Oct. 5 - Scripture Journal (started Sept. 29)
Oct. 5 - Expository draft only school typing session
Oct. 6 - Health Beliefs & Mindset sheet due (started Sept. 29)
Oct. 6 - Arts Ed Personal Theme Song assignment due (started Oct. 1)
Oct. 13 - Expository essay due (shared by 9:00 am and paperwork handed in)
MATHLETICS 2-3x per week

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Electrical Circuit Kits are FUN!

Today we worked in small groups with a circuit kit and learned about circuits, short circuits and parallel circuits.  The kids did a great job working together on their 2 lab activities.

The stunned look of success!

The serious side of JR Scientists thinking & planning!

Tomorrow the groups get to create a circuit project of their choosing.  Looking forward to their creations!


Sept. 23 - Religion Sower due
                Math Page 65 #5-6 due (Do factor trees)
                 Jr Tech Club 3:30 - 5:00 pm for those still needing to
                 complete E-Portfolio and EE video work, make sure you
                 have arranged a ride with parents.
Sept. 25 - Order of Operations Quiz
                 Arts Ed Identity Items Presentation (No lates accepted)
                 Identity Online Critical Response (Students were to do
                 some work on it during the long weekend as only 1 class
                 given to work on it before Sept. 25)
Please work on Mathletics 2-3 times per day to strengthen skills

Sunday 20 September 2015

The Days are going by FASSSST!

We completed our last E-Portfolio with Mrs. Stewart-Mitchell.  All students were taught how to do the Explain Everything (EE)  recording component for their portfolios. 

It was a successful workshop with 12 students fully completing recordings into Mrs. B's YouTube account. I emailed all students their YouTube links to copy into their portfolios in the Term 1 - Reading Tab in the RAD Initial page.   CONGRATULATIONS!

Some students still need to complete their tabs, tab pages and insert files from emails. This is crucial for your self-assessment for the year. See an earlier post with all tab names and pages for each tab.  Inserted pages are in emails sent 2 weeks ago.
Please, as discussed in class, do this over your long weekend so you are on track. 

We will be doing another recording soon for your Math test so I would like everyone finished the 1st recording.

Note:  If you need to complete your EE component, you need the school Android which means you need to let me know so if enough students want a Jr. Tech Club Meeting, we will schedule one next week.

Just a reminder to always use the blog to find needed information.  You might need to go back into previous posts to find info as it will not be duplicated every post.

-see previous posts for info already shared
-Sept. 25:  Identity Box Presentation being done  (No lates accepted)
                 Artist Identity Critical Response due


Please over the long weekend, work through the following website on Circuits as the SNAP CIRCUIT kits arrived.  It will help in your experimenting and lab assignments.

Circuits Link
(click about to take you to link, if not working at home, see below address to type in to use)

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Welcome to the FAMILY!

It was great to see all returning parents along with my new ones.  Welcome to my school family.  As I tell the kids, I have 33 kids until June then 31 are "ALUMNI for LIFE".

Sept. 17 @9:20 am ready to hand in:  Description of my Object paperwork due with confirmation
               Final copy shared with Mrs. Brassard
Sept. 17 - Science Case Study due
Sept. 18 - Arts Ed list of Identity Items
                 Immunization Form due
Sept. 21 - No school for students but please READ, do reviews, or catchup work
Sept. 22 - Health Purpose assignment due
                 Review Factor Trees concept
Sept. 23 - Religion Sower assignment due
Sept. 25 - Order of Operations Quiz (topic covered next week)
All students have been given their new Math online program login and password card.  Please click on the Mathletics link to start practicing your skills.  Students should be using the program for at least 30 minutes per week to strenghthen skills.
Please challenge your child to "WAR" with cards to practice their times tables as mental math skills are important. 

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Rain, God's gift of water!

The students and I had a meeting yesterday regarding the signing of agendas.  I am not the teacher 2/5 days in the morning to follow through on this procedure.  I discussed with them what I did a couple of years ago when this also happened.  I have decided that the students agenda will now be solely used as their own personal organizational tool to record homework, notes, etc.  Each student is expected to record their daily homework & information to share with their parents.  The teacher will not be doing the daily signature. Parents can still send me notes, updates via the agenda.

Jr Tech Club permission slip sent home with students.  Next session is Friday, Sept. 18th.

Sept. 16 - Math sheet 22 due
Sept. 17 - Descriptive paragraphs on object due + shared with
                 Mrs. B with all writing process papers + rubrics

Sept. 18 - Immunization forms due


Monday 14 September 2015

Writing Assessment & E-Portfolio Week!

The writing assessment was started today, kids worked for 1 hour.  The test will be continued on Wed. & Thurs. each for 1 hour.  It is a timed test.  If kids need to bring research, they should have it here for Wed. drafting day.

In Math we learned about Prime & Composite #'s.  All students should review by doing the practice questions on pg. 61 #1-4.  An assignment will be coming tomorrow.



Sept. 17 - Description of my Object due (shared with Mrs. B)
Sept. 18 - Arts Ed Identity list of items
Sept. 25 - Order of Operations Quiz (next upcoming topic)
Oct. 1 - Picture Day (Plan your outfit)
Oct. 2 - Unit 2 Math Test

Friday 11 September 2015

With hard work and perserverance comes results!

Sorry for the late time in posting today's information but it was a busy day and several kids asked me to stay afterschool to work on computer tech knowledge for their E-Portfolios.  The result, we will not have a JUNIOR TECH CLUB!  I am thinking about meeting 1-2 times per month if attendance is sufficient.  When a schedule is created I will send home a permission slip for those interested.

Today we worked on completing our E-Portfolio setup by creating our OneNote tabs with page naming and ending with inserting informational pages.  The kids did a fantastic job working through tech difficulties resulting in sharing devices to learn setup. Problem solving happens in all areas of our lives and tech is no different.  It was great to see the kids help each other through the different components.

All students have been shown the setup so please have your portfolio set up with the appropriate tabs and page names.  Here are the portfolio tabs and the pages that go into each tab.  Students received an email a few days ago with attachments to insert into the tab pages.  Here are a few picks to help you out.


If opening OneNote in the full version doesn't work (it shows the tabs at the top of the page like above picture), you can work in the online version of OneNote which displays the tabs (its small) on the left with the names of the pages right beside it.


Writing Assessment is on Monday.  It is an expository essay & most students have given me their topic. 

Practice your tech logins/passwords.  Finish OneNote portfolio setup if still need to do as Mrs. Stewart-Mitchell's workshop is Thursday/Friday.

READ to do AR tests next week for reward points!  We will do AR goals next week.  LETS WORK TOGETHER AS A TEAM TO EARN AS MANY CLASS REWARDS AS POSSIBLE, SOME ARE REALLY AWESOME!

As you all know, I loves athletics especially basketball.  John Wooden is one of the winning college basketball coaches in the U.S.  He is know for his hard work, electric energy level and bond with his players which is why I admire him.  He has coached many of the greatest NBA players of all time!

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Busy month is a coming!

All classes have been officially started.  Please make sure you are focussing on our school goals of following procedures and stamina

Please make sure you are completing a detailed agenda for yourself as well as for your parents.  The school day is fast-paced and busy so you do not want to forget anything.  Within the 10 min. shutdown time all should be taken care of with time to spare.

ELA Writing: 
Sept. 17 - Descriptive writing object due with rubrics & SHARED WITH MRS. B IN ONEDRIVE

Health assignment:
Sept. 15 - "Getting to Know Me" due

Sept. 11 - Sheets 20/21 due


Sept. 11 - Give topic of expository essay to Mrs. Brassard for Sept. 14 test
Sept. 14 - Writing Assessment started, bring resources you want to use
                 (this test will be 3 hours long, 1 hour per day for 3 days)
Sept. 16 - Meet the Family at school @6:30 pm, HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!
Sept. 18 am - School Mass at church, walking unless something changes (10:15 am)
Sept. 21 - Staff Retreat (no school for students so use time to your academic

Oct. 1 - School Picture Day

Friday 4 September 2015

Week 1 is done? Wow!

This week sure went fast but they all do now!  The kids were awesome dealing with the heat and cramped quarters.  Today, I re-arranged things so there was more room to move around.  (Just a bit)

Today we started to set up our E-Portfolio in Office 365!  The kids did a great job learning how to do a new tech program. Some students did not have a device because the machines just wouldn't work properly.  They were partnered up to learn so they can do it at home.  I just want to stress that most of the year they will be sharing devices in 2-3 groupings so do not expect always to have a device to yourself.  (BYOT will help you out there)


Everyday practice all tech daily as you get new logins/passwords

Sept. 4:  (late):  Some students still need to give me their parent email address
Sept. 8:  Rough Face Girl due
              Line Art due (glued onto pink paper and cut out with self-eval for Tues. teacher meeting
              Math - Sheets 16/17 due

Sept. 11: School Verification green form, blue school form
               (Some students still need to hand in BYOT agreement sheet as not allowed program access
                until done)

PLEASE HAVE BYOT here next week to help with E-Portfolio work. 

AR coming soon, some students still need to bring a book to read in the meantime

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Welcome back!


I thoroughly look forward to teaching you again or for the first time this year! Let us begin the year with a desire to be the best that we can.  I will be there to help you become the best possible person you choose to be in and out of the classroom.  It was really great seeing how you all have grown over the summer. 

Please enjoy the funny teacher video!
Here is another video to make you chuckle.

Back to School Video

Here are a few old/new tidbits of information shared in class today:

I know it is a lot but I tried to keep it short & sweet to the point as I know everyone is busy.

Our school will continue to use Balanced Literacy groups in ELA.  We will be starting next week with the school's focus being on "PROCEDURES and "STAMINA".  Students will be shown, explained and given time to learn the procedures of the stations as they will be expected to independently complete them in the required time allotment.  Stamina refers to the students being focused on the given task and working hard for the entire time to create a quality product. (Some students might already be familiar with this terminology and others could be hearing it for the first time.) 

We will be goal setting soon to assist with our 3 Way Conferences.  Our class will do a lot of self -evaluation again to promote responsibility for one's learning.  I have made arrangements to do E-Portfolios to go with self-evaluation on learning outcomes and student goals.  

PLEASE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR SYSTEM'S FREE DOWNLOAD Microsoft Office 2013 Student and Staff Home Use as it will make doing assignments easier for your children.

Please see your child's binder for a list of the Classroom Procedures. 

I will continue to use technology this year as well as expand on the students' usage of Office 365. BYOT (bring your own tech) is a school board opportunity which will be available on a daily basis.  I also will help students develop ideas on how to go about developing a personal routine to check their email accounts as well as practice using Office 365 programming. We also will be doing a lot of blogging.

I hope to have all student email addresses checked by the end of the week.  Parents need to ask their kids for upcoming information as well as get the class blog site address to bookmark on home devices.

Students have several passwords to keep track of :   email, student blog site, AR, our new school Math program (info coming in the future) with probably more to come as the year progresses.

I will post homework, upcoming events and information as needed on our classroom blog.

Students will again have access to an agenda to record their daily assignments, upcoming events, and reminders.

A water bottle should be at school and snacks can be brought from home if needed.  I encourage students to snack for maximum brain power.

Bring some books to read until we have access to the library to start AR.

I look forward to seeing everyone at our "Meet the Teacher Night"  to briefly share direction class will take this year as well as some upcoming class projects, events, and trips.

As I mentioned earlier, there is so much to share so I better stop now so you don't self-destruct due to overload!


Sept. 2 - Let Mrs. B know if email does not work so we can problem solve.
Sept. 3 - 1st Cross Country Meet (lousy parking for parents just to give you the heads up)
Sept. 4 - BYOT form returned to Mrs. B
Sept. 11- Verification forms (long green one + blue one) returned to Mrs. B
Daily practice all tech logins/passwords as you get new ones

 What ever comes our way,
we will do it together as a team!