Thursday 20 November 2014

We taught, We learned in our ....PJS!!

I was so proud of everyone who showed their school spirit and dressed up in their pajamas!  Our class had outstanding participation! 

The Mighty 5's Pajama Crew!



1)  Email Mrs. B the name of their "Super Hero" by Monday.  (1st come, 1st serve)
  • You can start your research once I have okayed your choice. 

2)  Due to today's  technical difficulties, please add to OneDrive a pictures folder.
  • Follow this setup:  Fred Pictures (first name then the word: Pictures)
  • Students can save their super hero pics/images in this folder for future usage. 
  • If having difficulty, save pics onto your memory stick and I can help you at school.

3)  Some students still need to bring their 3 food bank items.

4)  Math corrections for page 102( #6) are due Monday.

5)  Complete your BLOG connection question. 
  • Remember to edit/revise your comment before submitting it. 
  • Double check that you have all the required parts present in your answer.

6)  Please complete any outstanding late assignments from term 1.

AEA!  Group Challenge

ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING ACCEPTABLE CHALLENGE!  Bring your "A" game for this group challenge on procedures, or anything that occurs in the walls of St. Francis!

This challenge begins on Nov. 24 until Dec. 4th. 

Who will be the lucky group that earns a something extra...?



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