Tuesday 25 November 2014

Food Bank Box Decorating Service Project

Food Bank Box Decorating Presentation

Today we listened to the Food Bank "Decorate a Box" presentation.  Our class received our 13 boxes for decorating.  Students are working in pairs and the theme is "Christmas".

Stay tuned for pictures showing our box transformations. 


A big thanks goes out to all who have donated his/her 3 items for filling our classroom box.  If you still need to bring your items; remember you can also bring them to your student-led conference.  All items are due by Friday, November 28th.

Super Hero Project

All students have chosen or received a "Super Hero" and need to start their research. 
They will get 3 hours of research time and 3 hours to create their power point.

Power Points are due on December 8.  Planning organizer is also due this day.

Presentations will follow right after.  REMEMER, RUBRIC IS YOUR BFF so read your rubrics!


Chapter review sheets (3) were given to practice multiplying/dividing outcomes for the upcoming test.  Practice daily on these 2 skills as well as go online to use our IXL program.


Students need to do their daily 20 min. of reading at home so they can earn their goal points.  Practicing reading strategies should also take place to strengthen comprehension.

Students are currently working on their level #2 goal or doing catchup for the level #1 goal. 
the level #2 goal is due at the start of Jan. 2015.  Level #3 goal decisions will be made the first week back in January.

Upcoming Events:

Nov. 27/28       Student-Led Conferences
Nov. 30            Advent starts
Dec. 1              Advent Liturgy #1 at school
Dec. 1              Math Review
Dec. 2              Unit 3 Math Test
Dec. 1              Sneaker Art assignment due
Dec. 12            Stocking Art assignment due
Dec. 12            Bring Wrapping paper to decorate your desk
Dec. 18            Christmas Party in pm (tentative until final school Advent plans cleared)
Dec. 18            School Christmas Concert for younger grades (gym)
Dec. 19            1/2 Day of School, only in the pm

Advent Countdown:  5 days!

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