Tuesday 18 November 2014

Superhero Project here I come!

Super Hero Project

All students received their super hero project paperwork today.  It includes:  assignment sheet plus rubrics for:  speaking, power point, trait of writing and the writing process.

We start this project next Monday so students should pick their 'SUPER HERO" and clear it with Mrs. B as no duplicates will be done.  We start making the planning organizer on Monday.  If students want, they can make one ahead of time using "Microsoft Word"  by making a table in OneDrive.


We have been hard at work practicing our reading strategies (review 5 W's, check for understanding, read back/ahead, etc) to strengthen their comprehension. Students need to read every day for 20 minutes practicing: making predictions, locating main idea/supporting details, making connections to what they have read plus word strategies. 


We are working hard on long division. Students need to practice steps at home to cement them into their Mathematical memory.  Also, practice your basic skills on our IXL program.

Food Bank Donation
Food Bank items needed to fill our class box.  Each student has been asked to bring 3 cans to school.  Please do this by the end of November.  Each student could bring them to his/her student-led conference if they didn't want to carry them on the bus.

 Class Blogging Site

All students have been emailed the class blogging site to bookmark on their home computers.  Everyone received their password today so they are to go onto the site and practice blogging on the practice topic.  Today I also emailed and showed the class a website where they can create an "Avatar" (picture to represent oneself) on the blog.  It is easy to use, just set up a quick account and create your avatar.  If you need help inserting it into your blog, ask me at lunch and I will try to get done as many as possible.

The next "Firebird" spirit day is soon upon us!  It is..............................................PJAMA DAY!

Wear your pjs, slippers, housecoat, whatever you wear to bed that's appropriate for school! 

Lets strive for 100% participation on November 20th!

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