Sunday 16 November 2014

Term 2 Startup!


The start of term 2 brings more responsibility and a continued expectation of independence in the classroom.  Binders will be cleaned out this week so bring extra duo-tangs to store your work in as you will need it for the yearend Math and RAD Exams. 

Student - Led Conferences
Most students have completed their preparation phase as well as practiced the speaking component. The date is quickly approaching:  Nov. 27th from  3:30 - 8 pm OR Nov. 28th from 8 am - 12 pm.  Please remind your parents that your conference booking is done online and they need to follow the instruction sheet you gave them last week.  Remember, all bookings are 1st come, 1st serve.

Advent Hallway Project
Our hallway along with some younger grades will be decorating "Food Bank Boxes".  Please make sure you have markers available for this project.  Students will be working in pairs to decorate a box. 

Students have also been asked to bring 2-3 cans of food to help fill one of our classroom boxes for the Food Bank.


Sneaker Critical Response Assignment
Remember, this assignment is due at the start of December.  If not finished, you will need to complete it at home.  Mrs. B sent you a reminder email Nov. 15th.

Stocking Art Project
Have your cartoon picked and drawn twice as an "identical twin" so you can start your good copy next week.  (week of Nov. 17)

Home Expectations
Remember, everyone is expected to do our IXL online math program covering the skills taught this year.  You can also go into grade 4 to practice upcoming skills.  Always go back to your grade 5 skills for further practice and to elevate grades recorded in the program.

Secondly, everyone is also to read daily an AR book practicing their reading strategies to earn AR points towards their goal levels.  Some students behind in goal points will need to read longer than 20 minutes a day to to get caught up.

Desk Top Wrapping Tradition!
It is a tradition in my classroom to wrap student desk tops with wrapping paper.  Some students add bows and other extras to brighten up their work area.  Please start setting aside wrapping paper now as we will do this the 2nd last week of December.


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