Friday 28 November 2014

Firebird Student-Led Conference Pride!

Student Led Conferences Update

All student conferences were successfully completed!  I am very proud of how well the students communicated their goals and information with their parents.  They showed great independence and responsibility for their learning.  A big thank you goes out to all parents for their support of this new process.  Also, I thank you for all the compliments.  I truly enjoy teaching your children, my 2014 family!


I was very impressed with our Science groups demonstrating "Surface Tension".
They worked well together with their "trial & error" experiments!  

Homework Reminders:
1) Math Review due Monday
2) Study for Tuesday's Math Test
3) Finish off Super Hero research & pics
4) AR reading for goals
5) Sneaker assignment due Monday
6) Complete late work & Advent Blog
7) Remember to read emails for any potential updates
8) Read our Class Blog for homework/important information.  Read back to re-fresh memory.



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