Friday 28 November 2014

Firebird Student-Led Conference Pride!

Student Led Conferences Update

All student conferences were successfully completed!  I am very proud of how well the students communicated their goals and information with their parents.  They showed great independence and responsibility for their learning.  A big thank you goes out to all parents for their support of this new process.  Also, I thank you for all the compliments.  I truly enjoy teaching your children, my 2014 family!


I was very impressed with our Science groups demonstrating "Surface Tension".
They worked well together with their "trial & error" experiments!  

Homework Reminders:
1) Math Review due Monday
2) Study for Tuesday's Math Test
3) Finish off Super Hero research & pics
4) AR reading for goals
5) Sneaker assignment due Monday
6) Complete late work & Advent Blog
7) Remember to read emails for any potential updates
8) Read our Class Blog for homework/important information.  Read back to re-fresh memory.



Tuesday 25 November 2014

Food Bank Box Decorating Service Project

Food Bank Box Decorating Presentation

Today we listened to the Food Bank "Decorate a Box" presentation.  Our class received our 13 boxes for decorating.  Students are working in pairs and the theme is "Christmas".

Stay tuned for pictures showing our box transformations. 


A big thanks goes out to all who have donated his/her 3 items for filling our classroom box.  If you still need to bring your items; remember you can also bring them to your student-led conference.  All items are due by Friday, November 28th.

Super Hero Project

All students have chosen or received a "Super Hero" and need to start their research. 
They will get 3 hours of research time and 3 hours to create their power point.

Power Points are due on December 8.  Planning organizer is also due this day.

Presentations will follow right after.  REMEMER, RUBRIC IS YOUR BFF so read your rubrics!


Chapter review sheets (3) were given to practice multiplying/dividing outcomes for the upcoming test.  Practice daily on these 2 skills as well as go online to use our IXL program.


Students need to do their daily 20 min. of reading at home so they can earn their goal points.  Practicing reading strategies should also take place to strengthen comprehension.

Students are currently working on their level #2 goal or doing catchup for the level #1 goal. 
the level #2 goal is due at the start of Jan. 2015.  Level #3 goal decisions will be made the first week back in January.

Upcoming Events:

Nov. 27/28       Student-Led Conferences
Nov. 30            Advent starts
Dec. 1              Advent Liturgy #1 at school
Dec. 1              Math Review
Dec. 2              Unit 3 Math Test
Dec. 1              Sneaker Art assignment due
Dec. 12            Stocking Art assignment due
Dec. 12            Bring Wrapping paper to decorate your desk
Dec. 18            Christmas Party in pm (tentative until final school Advent plans cleared)
Dec. 18            School Christmas Concert for younger grades (gym)
Dec. 19            1/2 Day of School, only in the pm

Advent Countdown:  5 days!

Thursday 20 November 2014

We taught, We learned in our ....PJS!!

I was so proud of everyone who showed their school spirit and dressed up in their pajamas!  Our class had outstanding participation! 

The Mighty 5's Pajama Crew!



1)  Email Mrs. B the name of their "Super Hero" by Monday.  (1st come, 1st serve)
  • You can start your research once I have okayed your choice. 

2)  Due to today's  technical difficulties, please add to OneDrive a pictures folder.
  • Follow this setup:  Fred Pictures (first name then the word: Pictures)
  • Students can save their super hero pics/images in this folder for future usage. 
  • If having difficulty, save pics onto your memory stick and I can help you at school.

3)  Some students still need to bring their 3 food bank items.

4)  Math corrections for page 102( #6) are due Monday.

5)  Complete your BLOG connection question. 
  • Remember to edit/revise your comment before submitting it. 
  • Double check that you have all the required parts present in your answer.

6)  Please complete any outstanding late assignments from term 1.

AEA!  Group Challenge

ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING ACCEPTABLE CHALLENGE!  Bring your "A" game for this group challenge on procedures, or anything that occurs in the walls of St. Francis!

This challenge begins on Nov. 24 until Dec. 4th. 

Who will be the lucky group that earns a something extra...?



Tuesday 18 November 2014

Superhero Project here I come!

Super Hero Project

All students received their super hero project paperwork today.  It includes:  assignment sheet plus rubrics for:  speaking, power point, trait of writing and the writing process.

We start this project next Monday so students should pick their 'SUPER HERO" and clear it with Mrs. B as no duplicates will be done.  We start making the planning organizer on Monday.  If students want, they can make one ahead of time using "Microsoft Word"  by making a table in OneDrive.


We have been hard at work practicing our reading strategies (review 5 W's, check for understanding, read back/ahead, etc) to strengthen their comprehension. Students need to read every day for 20 minutes practicing: making predictions, locating main idea/supporting details, making connections to what they have read plus word strategies. 


We are working hard on long division. Students need to practice steps at home to cement them into their Mathematical memory.  Also, practice your basic skills on our IXL program.

Food Bank Donation
Food Bank items needed to fill our class box.  Each student has been asked to bring 3 cans to school.  Please do this by the end of November.  Each student could bring them to his/her student-led conference if they didn't want to carry them on the bus.

 Class Blogging Site

All students have been emailed the class blogging site to bookmark on their home computers.  Everyone received their password today so they are to go onto the site and practice blogging on the practice topic.  Today I also emailed and showed the class a website where they can create an "Avatar" (picture to represent oneself) on the blog.  It is easy to use, just set up a quick account and create your avatar.  If you need help inserting it into your blog, ask me at lunch and I will try to get done as many as possible.

The next "Firebird" spirit day is soon upon us!  It is..............................................PJAMA DAY!

Wear your pjs, slippers, housecoat, whatever you wear to bed that's appropriate for school! 

Lets strive for 100% participation on November 20th!

Sunday 16 November 2014

Term 2 Startup!


The start of term 2 brings more responsibility and a continued expectation of independence in the classroom.  Binders will be cleaned out this week so bring extra duo-tangs to store your work in as you will need it for the yearend Math and RAD Exams. 

Student - Led Conferences
Most students have completed their preparation phase as well as practiced the speaking component. The date is quickly approaching:  Nov. 27th from  3:30 - 8 pm OR Nov. 28th from 8 am - 12 pm.  Please remind your parents that your conference booking is done online and they need to follow the instruction sheet you gave them last week.  Remember, all bookings are 1st come, 1st serve.

Advent Hallway Project
Our hallway along with some younger grades will be decorating "Food Bank Boxes".  Please make sure you have markers available for this project.  Students will be working in pairs to decorate a box. 

Students have also been asked to bring 2-3 cans of food to help fill one of our classroom boxes for the Food Bank.


Sneaker Critical Response Assignment
Remember, this assignment is due at the start of December.  If not finished, you will need to complete it at home.  Mrs. B sent you a reminder email Nov. 15th.

Stocking Art Project
Have your cartoon picked and drawn twice as an "identical twin" so you can start your good copy next week.  (week of Nov. 17)

Home Expectations
Remember, everyone is expected to do our IXL online math program covering the skills taught this year.  You can also go into grade 4 to practice upcoming skills.  Always go back to your grade 5 skills for further practice and to elevate grades recorded in the program.

Secondly, everyone is also to read daily an AR book practicing their reading strategies to earn AR points towards their goal levels.  Some students behind in goal points will need to read longer than 20 minutes a day to to get caught up.

Desk Top Wrapping Tradition!
It is a tradition in my classroom to wrap student desk tops with wrapping paper.  Some students add bows and other extras to brighten up their work area.  Please start setting aside wrapping paper now as we will do this the 2nd last week of December.


Thursday 6 November 2014

Be a Light in Another's Life!

Special Classroom Visit

Last month when the Myriam sisters visited our classroom they stressed with us:

They also asked us to challenge ourselves every morning to thank God for who you are. 

Today we were blessed to again have the Myriam sisters, Melanie and Genevieve, visit our classroom. Their energy and spirit is so contagious! They talked, sang songs, and played a game with us about the new saints and how they are like "SUPERHEROES" who inspire us to make a difference in the lives of others!

They gave us a classroom challenge: you all have special qualities, practice your chosen quality for the rest of the month. For example; if your chosen quality is leadership, then you are to practice/share your leadership skills with your classmates to make a difference in their lives. In other words, BE A CONTAGIOUS SAINT!"

These are the new saints discussed in today's visit.

Student - Led Conference

All students have completed their academic goals and have shown them to their parents to read and return to school with a parent signature. Almost all students have completed their preparation sheet of strengths/skills to work as well as selected pieces of work to share/discuss with their parents.  

Upcoming assignments due on Nov. 7th:

Math:  Estimating in division sheets 40/41
Religion:  My Special Prayer


Remembrance Day Liturgy on Nov. 7 at 10:00

Read daily for 15 min. to reach AR goals and use reading strategies for comprehension help

Go onto IXL online Math program 4 days per week to practice skills

Term one report card cutoff date is Nov. 7th. All assignments after this date will appear on the Term 2 report card.

No school for students on November 10/11.