Thursday 5 November 2015

Throw back Thursday moment!

We sure had a throw back Thursday moment:  the class and I re-lived our lively grade 5 discussion on King Henry VIII!  Good time had by all!

Please see previous posts for information/due dates as I will not be repeating them in each post.

New information:

Nov. 6 - Term 1 cutoff date:  any late assignments will be assigned a zero
Nov. 6 - Fully Alive connections due
Nov. 6 - Portfolio pictures at school on jump drive for future use in Portfolio cover page
Nov. 16 - Chili lunch order due
Nov. 19 - Hot Chili Lunch

Today I sent home with each student the school's 3 Way Conference online booking letter.  Please do this as soon as the calendar is open to insure you get the time/day wanted.  I also sent home with the students a letter explaining how we will be doing our 3 Way Conferences.  It is a new format so please familiarize yourself with the process. 

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