Thursday 12 November 2015

Memories are strong in our hearts and minds if we pay homage to them!

One must remember those who have sacrificed before us. 

I hope all took the time to attend or watch a Remembrance Day service.  I was quite moved at all the Canadians willing to stand in long lines to place their own poppies on the monument in Ottawa and on the tomb of our Canadian unknown soldier.

Please ask your children to tell you the story I told them in class about the teacher who started the year with no classroom desks and how it relates to remembrance. 

Term 2 has now started. 

In writing we started a new essay on Monday.  Most students have their 2 part brainstorming completed on their planning organizer along with the 3 paragraph idea topics accurately recorded.  As discussed in class, if you are not completed this component, it needs to be finished by Nov. 16. 

All students were also sent a reminder email to do some research over the long weekend on their expository essay topic about growing up.  They are to do research on their 3 paragraph topics and need to record the sources following the proper setup.  Please do not forget to include your jot notes of information to be used in your paragraphs.  (use loose leaf to do this work if you forgot to take your planning organizer home)  Lastly, take the time to research a few allowable text features for your essay.  (Pictures are not on the rubric list) If you cannot find more than 1 from the rubric list, look for information you could make into a fact box. 

Home skill practice
Work on Mathletics.  Remember what Mr. Wahl said in the assembly, kids cannot take off these many days without losing some skill in reading and other areas.  Please develop a home routine to work on AR reading goals where you practice using your reading strategies and Mathletics to work on strengthening/improving skill level. 

3 Way Conferences
Self-reflection is a vital component of learning.  It allows one to examine what one did, what one could of done, what needs to be done  and what to put into action next for academic growth or skill attainment.  Without self-reflection one stays in the same place without moving forward.  The e-portfolio is our major tech project this year used in conjunction with our self - reflection skills.  We have been developing this portfolio since early September.  A big thank you to all who have shown responsibility in completing your components by the given due dates.  You have shown great working stamina and have strengthen your step by step problem - solving skills. 

This portfolio will be used at the 3 Way Conference to showcase one's responsibility for learning by self-reflecting learning strengths/challenges, goal setting, EE self-reflection videos in Reading/Writing/Math.  The students have also designed a cover page and they look fantastic!  Again, I am very proud of their team work and independent problem-solving skills which are needed to do things differently if a computer program presents information differently to them. 

Only a few students need to complete these portfolio requirements.  On Nov. 10 pm I provided the whole afternoon to a small group of students needing to complete this late work.  Only a few remain so I will provide 1 more Jr Tech session to complete this work as time needs to be given to presentation conferencing skills. This tech session will occur on Tuesday, Nov. 17 from 3:30 - 5:00 pm.  Unfortunately if all electronic components are not completed at the end of this session, students will have to do the paper copy versions as future class time is needed for conferencing.  (I mentioned this to the group on Nov. 10)  Please make arrangements and set up rides with your parents ahead of time.

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