Monday 2 November 2015

Term 1 Winding Down!

A prayer service was held today for All Souls Day.  Please take time to pray for those you have lost as they will always be in our memories.

Today in our assembly we had technical difficulties so were unable to see the parody videos in the gym.  Please see them below. 


Today we did a Math review for tomorrow's quiz on Patterns.  Hopefully all will review their assignments and use Mathletics to strengthen memory skills. 

Students were asked to start making draft paragraphs using the removal of Tonsils jot notes.  This is an in-class assignment to work on maximizing class work time so please do not do any work at home.


Nov. 3/4 - Math Patterns Quiz
Nov. 3 - Write paragraph #1 using Removal of Tonsils jot notes
Nov. 3 - Song Parody group performance
Do Mathletics program 2X/week
AR team goals - please do your reading as others are waiting to earn a reward
Every Tues/Thurs. for the next while:  Grade 7/8 selling $2/slice cheese pizza at lunch
Nov. 6 - Term 1 Cutoff date.  Any outstanding assignments will be assigned a zero.

Costume Parody video on "Old McDonald had a Farm"

McBobby Parody video on "Old McDonald had a Farm"

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