Wednesday 25 November 2015

The juggles continue!

Yesterday Mr. Wahl asked our class to do a Knights of Columbus poster for our church.  It is a contest poster.  All posters are due:  December 11 for submission to Mr. Wahl.

Upcoming dates:

Nov. 26 - Holodomor Religion Question due
Nov. 26 - Math sheets 34/35
Nov. 25/26 - Book Fair shopping, bring money
Nov. 30 - Science Famous People in electricity chart due
Dec. 1 - Return report card envelope signed by parent
Dec. 2 - Social Quiz
Dec. 4 - Growing up Essay
Dec. 9 - All cleaning pails, rags, and shovels at school
Dec. 10 - Class Advent Project:  Cleaning our church (bring lunch)
Dec. 15 - Dec. 15 Decimals Unit Quiz & Dec. 17 Decimals Unit Test (TBD by class on Dec. 9)

I provide plenty of class time to work on assignments if time is used with working stamina.  In term #1 I daily reminded students of what assignments were late and also had them write an agenda list (usually on Wed. or Thurs.) of their late assignments for parents to see.  In term #2 I do not do reminders of late assignments or noon late lists as it is expected that students demonstrate responsibility for their learning which involves completion of assignments by the given due dates.  If issues arise with numerous late assignments,  I will continue to send home a School Concern Form to address issues.

Just a reminder that our school goals are to demonstrate working stamina and follow procedures throughout the day.  Please review your list of procedures as you should know them by heart to automatically put them into practice when required. 


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