Friday 9 January 2015

Week 1 in 2015 Reminders


1a)  All students are to have their 3 Wishes draft completed by hand AND typed into OneDrive.

1b)  ***Make sure you are in your name folder, writing folder then create a new word document.

1c)  File name in upper black box should be:  3 Wishes Draft 1

1d)  Title of assignment is size 20, underlined, centered:  Three Wishes Expository

2)  Read everyday to work towards completing your AR goals!


1)  Make sure you have your group lab material here for Jan. 12

2)  Jan. 19 - Machine Unit Test (open book)

3)  A big thank you goes out to Mr. Senger and Mrs. Lee for volunteering to help with the Science Centre Trip.


Practice Song (You know which one!)


We did a 10 question basic computation review today and a lot of students have forgotten the process and are having accuracy issues.  Please practice these skills at home 2-3X a week to maintain this extremely important skill.  Also, all students were reminded to go onto IXL to practice these skills as well as calculating perimeter & area.


Jan. 30      TPD so no school for students
Feb. 12      Class trip to the Science Centre


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