Friday 16 January 2015

Warm Weather Alert!

The cold weather has finally left us for now!  The Win, Lose or Draw Tournament taking place at lunchtime is now into round 2 with lots of fun had by all!


The class has been working hard on their Three Wishes Expository. Each student, if on schedule, has been given 5 days of editing/revising for this major essay. 

Monday -      Draft #1 personal editing on typed draft

Tuesday-       Draft #2 peer editing (each student is required to have 2 comments from peers)

Wednesday - Draft #3 personal editing  along with teacher editing/revising via sharing.  I also demonstrated how to make a table in your document and how to copy/paste it from draft #2 into draft #3 so the table does not disappear. 

Thursday -    Draft #3 personal editing along with teacher editing/revising via sharing along with how to set up your 3 Wishes final in your OneDrive writing folder.

Friday -          Draft #3 independent work in any needed areas focusing on final copy that needs to have 2 self-assessment rubric criteria comments.  Follow setup discussed in class.  (If you need an example, I did one in an earlier blog but do not copy it.  You need to build on it with how you have improved in the chosen criteria from last essay as we discussed in class.)

Essay is due on Monday, January 19th.  All students need to share their personal name folder with Mrs. Brassard so she has them by Monday morning.   Also on Monday morning, students will hand in all their planning pages with rubrics to receive a complete homework check.  (A complete homework check is sharing with  Mrs. B his/her name folder, handing in all planning pages with 2 rubrics.)

Jan. 29 - Prince of Egypt video reading strategies response assignment.  Remember to following the instructions given in class as well as on the sheet.  (Save it in your Reading folder and share it with Mrs. B by Jan. 29)  Remember to follow answer setup.


Volume sheets 56-59 due on Jan. 19
Jan. 19 - Small quiz on volume


Jan. 19  -Health Food Labels assignment due
              Wishes Expositoery due
              Science Machines Test (open book)

Jan. 23   Math Exam

Jan. 29   Prince of Egypt assignment due (shared with Mrs. B using Office 365)

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