Monday 26 January 2015

Drama Characters were fantastic!


We started our Fractions and Decimals unit today.  All students need to know the 4 types of fractions for tomorrow.  They are:

proper       improper     mixed     equivalent
   1                  12           3  2           51
   4                   7                3          10    2

We also learned how to reduce fractions: (note:  blog doesn't make division symbols)

 84               17  =  3  2                  
10    5                5           5

                     (17 divided by 5)


The students did a fantastic job of staying in character demonstrating emotion!  They worked through their nerves and overcame the dreaded "stage fright."  Tomorrow we will start developing the St. Francis Newscast.  Everyone is to come to school we various ideas to share as planning starts on Tuesday.


Jan. 29 -   4 Healthy living questions are due


Feb. 3 - Food Journal due


We have been working hard on our reading strategies in Balanced Literacy.  Our topics have been in non-fiction.  Please read everyday for 15 - 30 min. and practice these strategies.  WE WILL BE DOING Mr. Wahl's RAD test next week.  today, after school, I got approval to do it before our Science Centre Trip.  Remember, each of the 6 questions have a special format to answering the questions that you need to follow.  We have been practicing them every week, 1 question per day for weeks! 


We completed a major expository last Monday.  Since then, groups have been given a poorly written expository on Sleepovers.  The groups are challenged with editing & revising it into an expository that achieves "Meeting Outcomes" in each of the 6 traits of writing as found on our rubric.  This is being done at school to  work on building stamina to complete a given task with a given time frame.  This time frame matches the amount of time each student will receive to complete the final expository done in May.

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