Friday 23 January 2015

Warm Weather, please STAY!

Hi all, have a great weekend!  Remember to go onto IXL as we discussed in class to work on computation skills plus fractions/decimals. 


Your character performance is Monday. Practice in front of the mirror/parents and make sure you read your marking sheet to know what to focus in on.

Monday is WEAR RED DAY as we are supporting the recent  fallen RCMP member and his family. 

Jan. 26 - Arts Ed performance
Jan. 29 - Prince of Egypt video response shared with the setup discussed in class.

File Sharing setup review example:

1)Select:  Flinststone, Fred gr 5 assignments (personal folder)
2)Click on share
3)Type in w.brassard to get my full name to appear
4)Write the name of the assignment in the box below
5)Click share so it is emailed to Mrs. Brassard

NOTE:  You must have the proper file name in the proper subject folder to have Mrs. Brassard
               read  your assignment for evaluation. 

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