Wednesday 9 December 2015

Let us Work Together in Service for the Lord!

Tomorrow we walk to the church to fulfill our class Advent Project of cleaning our community's church:  St. Cecilia.  Students are to bring indoor runners and a lunch just in case we work into the afternoon.  Please dress for whatever weather occurs so you are comfortable walking.

Complete your term 2 Portfolio parts if not completed

Remember Fit Club Fridays if signed up  8:00- 8:45 am

Dec. 10 - Community Decorate Food Bank Boxes Project 6:30 - 8 :00 pm

Dec. 11 - Church Poster due
Dec. 11 - Christmas Hat spirit day
Dec. 15 - Decimals Math Test
Dec. 17 - approx. 10:30 am School Christmas Luncheon in gym

Dec. 18 - 12:30 pm Christmas movie in gym if all jobs completed

Dec. 18 - 2:10 pm early dismissal  Note:  no gym or library afterschool programs this day

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