Tuesday 1 December 2015

Advent is now upon us...we await joyously for Jesus!

This week is very busy as it will be until the end of December.
The class worked very hard today editing/revising their essay draft #2.  It needs to be completed tonight and copy/pasted into the final copy for text feature work tomorrow and Thursday. 
Some students need to do catchup work at home as they are behind several components. 
The class has  been told that there are no more late assignments allowed in 2015.  Please follow through with your commitment and goals during this very short, fast paced time!
Dec. 2 - Essay Draft #2 fully edited/revised and copied into final copy
Dec. 2 - Social Quiz
Dec. 4 - Fit Club Friday @ 8:00 am (permission slip needed)
Dec. 4 - Growing Up essay due:  shared by 9 am then paperwork handed in at 9:20 am
Dec. 4 - Math Page 97 #1-8 (practice assignment)
Dec. 7 -  C. Guidance Scenarios due
               F. Alive commitment questions #1-5 due (counts towards Health & C. Guidance also)
Dec. 9 - Bring cleaning pails/rags and shovels to school for church cleaning
Dec. 10- Class Advent service project:  Cleaning St. Cecilia, dress for the weather as we are walking to church and bring lunch as we are eating at church
Dec. 11 - Church poster due (please work on at home as limited class time provided)
Dec. 15 - Decimals Unit Quiz
Dec. 17 - Decimals Unit Test (note:  these 2 tests confirmation will be made by class early next week)
ASAP - Team AR goals are still required from some students.

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