Thursday 31 December 2015

HAPPY NEW YEAR... Bring on 2016!

I hope everyone had a great holiday with their family and friends.  Thank you for the thoughtful holiday emails.  Happy New Year and enjoy the weekend.  I have missed you all and will see you on Monday.  Hope you aren't too tired! 

Congratulations to Richmon who is a big  brother for the 2nd time!

Monday 14 December 2015

Behold he soon arrives!

This will be the last blog post of 2015.  All needed info has been shared in previous posts.  The following is new information:

Dec. 15 - Science Flight notes self-eval.
Dec. 17 - Dress for Jesus at our school luncheon
Read over the holidays to maintain your skill base

God bless and enjoy your precious time with family!


Wednesday 9 December 2015

Let us Work Together in Service for the Lord!

Tomorrow we walk to the church to fulfill our class Advent Project of cleaning our community's church:  St. Cecilia.  Students are to bring indoor runners and a lunch just in case we work into the afternoon.  Please dress for whatever weather occurs so you are comfortable walking.

Complete your term 2 Portfolio parts if not completed

Remember Fit Club Fridays if signed up  8:00- 8:45 am

Dec. 10 - Community Decorate Food Bank Boxes Project 6:30 - 8 :00 pm

Dec. 11 - Church Poster due
Dec. 11 - Christmas Hat spirit day
Dec. 15 - Decimals Math Test
Dec. 17 - approx. 10:30 am School Christmas Luncheon in gym

Dec. 18 - 12:30 pm Christmas movie in gym if all jobs completed

Dec. 18 - 2:10 pm early dismissal  Note:  no gym or library afterschool programs this day

Thursday 3 December 2015

The Power of Self-Reflection!

Self-awareness plays a critical role in improved learning because it helps students become more efficient at focusing on what they still need to learn. The ability to think about one's learning increases with age.  Research shows that most growth of self-assessment ability happens between ages 12 and 15.  When students' reflect on, monitor, and evaluate their learning, young people become more self-reliant, flexible, and productive. Students improve their capacity to weigh choices and evaluate options, particularly when answers are not obvious. When students have difficulty understanding, they rely on reflective strategies to recognize their difficulties and attempt to rectify them.

Edutopia Information Self-Awareness in the Classroom by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD
(April 7/2015)


Continue to practice this daily skill as it is so effective when used!

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Advent is now upon us...we await joyously for Jesus!

This week is very busy as it will be until the end of December.
The class worked very hard today editing/revising their essay draft #2.  It needs to be completed tonight and copy/pasted into the final copy for text feature work tomorrow and Thursday. 
Some students need to do catchup work at home as they are behind several components. 
The class has  been told that there are no more late assignments allowed in 2015.  Please follow through with your commitment and goals during this very short, fast paced time!
Dec. 2 - Essay Draft #2 fully edited/revised and copied into final copy
Dec. 2 - Social Quiz
Dec. 4 - Fit Club Friday @ 8:00 am (permission slip needed)
Dec. 4 - Growing Up essay due:  shared by 9 am then paperwork handed in at 9:20 am
Dec. 4 - Math Page 97 #1-8 (practice assignment)
Dec. 7 -  C. Guidance Scenarios due
               F. Alive commitment questions #1-5 due (counts towards Health & C. Guidance also)
Dec. 9 - Bring cleaning pails/rags and shovels to school for church cleaning
Dec. 10- Class Advent service project:  Cleaning St. Cecilia, dress for the weather as we are walking to church and bring lunch as we are eating at church
Dec. 11 - Church poster due (please work on at home as limited class time provided)
Dec. 15 - Decimals Unit Quiz
Dec. 17 - Decimals Unit Test (note:  these 2 tests confirmation will be made by class early next week)
ASAP - Team AR goals are still required from some students.