Tuesday 26 May 2015

Green Rider Day Tomorrow!

Tomorrow we have a Roughrider coming to visit, so please wear your Rider t-shirt or jersey.  

Everyone should be studying every single day working on our math reviews as well as doing some skill work on IXL math.

If you have any late math assignments,  the agreement was you could work them off by doing 15 minutes of IXL per assignment which would doubly help you with studying. 

Also, check your late work lists, if you have any, as they need to be competed as well.

Full preparation elevates confidence!

1) Class tricks of the trade
2) Remember, double check the instructions so you're doing the questions properly.

3) All problems require  you to show the work and put the answer in a sentence.

4)Double check the answers!

RELAX, pace yourself and believe you can achieve!

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