Thursday 12 March 2015

What a Beautiful Day in and out of the classroom!

Awesome work week, many kids are choosing to follow through with our class agreement! 

Student-Parent-Teacher Workshop is on Monday.  I will be at the front door at 6:25 pm to let everyone in.   The focus of today will be our Narrative so please bring your draft to class to work on.    


March 16 - Complete Narrative draft due
                   Math sheets 74/75
March 17 - Lit Circles Section #3 work due
March 19 - Health Journals
March 27 - All students are to wear Pink to school for anti - bullying day support
March 30 - Narrative due (shared with Mrs. B and 2 rubrics handed in)
March 31 - Fraction/Decimals Test
                   School Reading Nite

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