Monday 9 March 2015

March is now looking normal, but for how long?

Student-Parent-Teacher Workshop

Hi all, I will meet you tonight at the front door at 6:25 pm to let everybody into the school.  Today's focus will continue to be Math we are currently doing.  For 1/2 of the session, I will be showing how to work towards becoming better at keyboarding skills which are crucial due to limited time with devices.  See below picture to help you learn finger placement on a keyboard.  All students should be practicing their keyboarding speed at home to improve hand speed.  (See blog keyboarding sites)

The session on Wednesday, March 11 will be a term 2 "late work completion session" for anyone who still needs to complete outstanding assignments.  This will be the only topic covered due to variety of student needs.


March 10 - Lit. Circles section 3 reading


We are going full steam ahead now with creating a narrative draft from the planning organizers that students have developed.  Today was class period 1 of 3 given to the students to complete the full handwritten draft.  Some students were not done their planning organizer and 1st paragraph which we worked on over the last 2 weeks.  This needs to be done for Tuesday. 


Junior Badminton is available if you have fulfilled your academic expectations in the classroom.

On Thursday I did RAD conferences with all students going over their mid assessment RAD test.  I went through each question to make sure students knew why marks were lost and how to improve for the next assignment. 

Continue to do your daily reading at home (20 - 30 minutes) and as always practice your reading strategies. 

Continue to follow through on our school's Lent project by donating coins on Wednesdays as well as doing the daily topic located on your Lenten calendar.

March 13 - TPD, no school for students

March 17 - Report Cards go home

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