Sunday 22 February 2015

Welcome back all!

Welcome Back Everybody!

I thought I would post this on Sunday as I will be in a plane most of tomorrow.  Hope all goes well with Mr. P, the assigned sub.  See you all on Tuesday!


Practice the strategies for switching decimals to fractions as well as fractions to decimals.  Remember base 10 is your friend. 


a)  Base 10 method

2 x2  =   4   =  0.4
5 x2      10 ..................  With 1 zero in denominator you have 1 # after the decimal in answer

b)  Division method

6/7 =  Do long division and divide 7 into 6  =  0.85

c)  Base 10 method with extra zero placement in answer

  7_  =    0.07
100 ........................... 2 zeroes require 2 #'s after the decimal with zero placed before # in answer
to make sure when you double check that you have the correct number of hundredths in your answer.


We continue to work tomorrow on the Narrative writing form developing our planning organizer.  Do not work ahead as we will be covering important component information on the parts of a narrative during the next few days.  All work needs to be completed at school as we are practicing  the time requirements needed to complete the year end writing assessment.  See below link to review Narrative Notes given in class.
Narrative Notes


Remember to work on your Lit. Circles weekly role assignment.  Constantly refer to the rubric to know what is needed to meet your role's criteria.  Though this is an in-class independent project, you can still work on it at home completing the work needed along with editing/revising to elevate quality.   Group meeting is on Friday to share and discuss all weekly roles.  A group evaluation will be done.

AR Goals

All level 2 goals are past due with level 3 goals due by Friday, Feb. 27.

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