Friday 27 February 2015

Term 2 Cutoff Day is March 2!

Reading & Writing

Mar. 2 - Narrative planning organizer:  finish Conflict and Exposition/Plot events (do not go ahead)
Mar. 2 - Lit. Circles:  Section 2 Reading due


Mar. 2 - Fractions Review Sheet


Mar. 19 - Journal topics due


Bring Lent change for school Lenten service project

Daily AR reading, students need to follow through with level 1-3 goals as we will be having meetings to set level 4 AR point goals

Do IXL focusing on decimals <>fractions and mental math

Mar. 30 - Narrative due with 2 rubrics

Monday Mighty 5's Parent-Student-Teacher Workshop is Monday, March 2 6:30 - 8 pm.  Bring work that you would like to receive assistance on.  I will be at the front door of the school at 6:25 pm to let everyone into the school.

Term 2 Cutoff date is March 2, after that, all outstanding assignments will be given a NYMO grade.

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