Friday 27 February 2015

Term 2 Cutoff Day is March 2!

Reading & Writing

Mar. 2 - Narrative planning organizer:  finish Conflict and Exposition/Plot events (do not go ahead)
Mar. 2 - Lit. Circles:  Section 2 Reading due


Mar. 2 - Fractions Review Sheet


Mar. 19 - Journal topics due


Bring Lent change for school Lenten service project

Daily AR reading, students need to follow through with level 1-3 goals as we will be having meetings to set level 4 AR point goals

Do IXL focusing on decimals <>fractions and mental math

Mar. 30 - Narrative due with 2 rubrics

Monday Mighty 5's Parent-Student-Teacher Workshop is Monday, March 2 6:30 - 8 pm.  Bring work that you would like to receive assistance on.  I will be at the front door of the school at 6:25 pm to let everyone into the school.

Term 2 Cutoff date is March 2, after that, all outstanding assignments will be given a NYMO grade.

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Awesome Newscasts!

Enjoy the Newscasts pictures, videos coming soon to a theatre near you!

News News Newscast
TDNC Newscast

Funky News

Radical News

Flu News


Tuesday 24 February 2015

Term 2 is coming to a quick end!


Continue to work on lit. circle section 1 role sheet.  It is due:  Feb. 27 for group meeting.
The class wanted me to post pictures of the assignment required plus rubric for the next several weeks.  Here they are:



March 19 - 2 Journal entries.  Follow classroom requirements and look at rubric.


Feb. 25 - Narrative brainstorming needs to be finished as we move on to how one develops the planning organizer.

Fully Alive

2 sheets due Feb. 25


Practice changing fractions >< decimals using classroom strategies.  Practice using pages 178/179 #1-11 which will be continued tomorrow.

Arts Ed

Feb. 25 - perform group Newscast.  Remember to bring costuming requirements and any needed props to school tomorrow morning. 

Sunday 22 February 2015

Welcome back all!

Welcome Back Everybody!

I thought I would post this on Sunday as I will be in a plane most of tomorrow.  Hope all goes well with Mr. P, the assigned sub.  See you all on Tuesday!


Practice the strategies for switching decimals to fractions as well as fractions to decimals.  Remember base 10 is your friend. 


a)  Base 10 method

2 x2  =   4   =  0.4
5 x2      10 ..................  With 1 zero in denominator you have 1 # after the decimal in answer

b)  Division method

6/7 =  Do long division and divide 7 into 6  =  0.85

c)  Base 10 method with extra zero placement in answer

  7_  =    0.07
100 ........................... 2 zeroes require 2 #'s after the decimal with zero placed before # in answer
to make sure when you double check that you have the correct number of hundredths in your answer.


We continue to work tomorrow on the Narrative writing form developing our planning organizer.  Do not work ahead as we will be covering important component information on the parts of a narrative during the next few days.  All work needs to be completed at school as we are practicing  the time requirements needed to complete the year end writing assessment.  See below link to review Narrative Notes given in class.
Narrative Notes


Remember to work on your Lit. Circles weekly role assignment.  Constantly refer to the rubric to know what is needed to meet your role's criteria.  Though this is an in-class independent project, you can still work on it at home completing the work needed along with editing/revising to elevate quality.   Group meeting is on Friday to share and discuss all weekly roles.  A group evaluation will be done.

AR Goals

All level 2 goals are past due with level 3 goals due by Friday, Feb. 27.

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Students are Countin the Days til Break...NOT JUST YET!

Mighty 5's Student-Parent-Teacher Workshop

Thanks to the students and parents who came out to last night's "Mighty 5's Student-Parent-Teacher Workshop.  A lot was done with fractions with/without tech.  It was fun watching the great mental math challenges against their children!  My parents are learning ways to help their children at home which in turn makes them stronger students at school!  Thank you ever so much for this time commitment!


Sheets 70 & 71 (showing all required work)   due:  Feb. 11 (end of class)


Students now have broken their group novel into the 6 sections for our literature circles independent, group 6 week study. Section 1 reading must be done to begin Section 1 work on Feb. 23 with the sub.

The students will rotate through the 5 sections of weekly assignments with section 6 being group choice.  Students have selected a weekly assignment that must be completed in 4 -5 days as the group meeting is at the end of every week.  (All assignment sheets stay at school so students need to maximize their class time.)  This is a team effort so each member needs to be organized with their materials and on top of his/her assignment so the group does not get behind.

Feb. 11  Science Centre Trip  (remember bagged lunch and indoor shoes) 


Upcoming dates:

-Read every day practicing your RAD reading strategies
-4X per week due IXL and/or other math games on the classroom blog
-Feb. 11 - Fully Alive due & Sub luncheon form/money
-Feb. 23 - Lab materials for Respiration lab
-Feb. 24 - Sub Lunch Day
-Feb. 25 - Group Newscast performance (make sure all props, costuming, and whatever else is needed is at school this day)

Friday 6 February 2015

A Blizzard is a Comin'

We have had a very busy week!


Do some of these questions (pages 172-173 #1-8 with #3, #4 you can choose your own strategy) as well as practice the types covered in class.  On Monday, We will continue working on this assignment.  Remember to not crowd your work and clearly show all the steps.


Bring round balloons for the "Respiration Lab" on Feb. 23.  Go onto Pearson and re-read Work on It, page 19 to review steps to follow.

Expectations for work being done at home

Read everyday for AR goal points, practice using your RAD strategies

Go onto IXL math program 4X/week and practice computation skills plus fractions/decimals unit work.

Check email account regularly, review OneDrive usage as you will be doing another big writing assignment.


Feb. 10 - Health Eating sheet due

Feb. 11 - Fully Alive due, Sub luncheon $ due

Feb. 12 - Science Centre Trip, we leave at 9:20 am (bring lunch and indoor shoes)

Feb. 24 - Sub Luncheon Day

Feb. 25-  Perform group Newscasts

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Fractions might be your new BFF for the next little while!


Everyone needs to do some daily practice with their fractions and what steps are needed to solve various questions.  Use your textbook for examples, ask parents for sample questions, and go onto IXL into the fractions section for mental math practice.  Have your 6 chart questions completed for Thursday as we will finish the diagrams of equivalent fractions using the manipulatives tomorrow.

Things to practice:

a)  Drawing an equivalent diagram, finding 3 equivalent fractions using the multiplying/dividing

b)  Work on your 2 common denominator strategies for comparing & ordering fractions.  This
 skill needs you to know your "x" tables to help you find options for a common denominator.

Example:  4/ [ <  ]    14/15  Look at the 2 denominators, check if the smaller one divides
evenly into the larger one; if it does, then the larger denominator is your common
denominator.  (5 goes into 15 evenly so 15 is your common denominator)
      4 x3    = 12    12 is a smaller numerator than 14 so 4/5 is less than 14/15
      5 x3       15

      14 x1  = 14
      15 x1     15
If this does not work, your only option is to multiply both denominators together to
get the common one.

Fully Alive

Feb. 10- "My World questions are due

Firebird Boys Basketball Playoff Game

Come watch the boys basketball team in their 1st playoff game on Tuesday, Feb. 10 @3:45 pm following the afterschool gym program. 
Lets pack our "NEST" with fans and SUPPORT OUR FIREBIRDS!


Tuesday 3 February 2015

Feb. 3 is the bearer of illness!

Thanks to all who came out to yesterday's Mighty 5's Parent - Student Workshop.  The RAD was covered with parents learning how to help their kids at home with the questions and how to practice the reading strategies with non-fiction articles.  The next work session will be on Feb. 9th.

There are a lot of kids with colds so if your child one, please remind them to cough into their shoulders and get extra sleep to help them fight this bug that is going around.

An in-class assignment was done on equivalent fractions.  Some students need to complete late assignments and hand them in right away.

Feb. 10 - Eating Practices Sheet is due.  Also, some students need to complete their food journal which is needed to answer the eating practices sheet.

Use IXL math program 4x/week to strengthen fractions and upcoming decimals skills

Read daily for AR points towards Goal #3 (some students need to still earn goals 1 & 2 which can only happen by reading)

Feb . 6 - Beach Day
Feb. 9 -  Mighty 5's Parent-Student Workshop @6:30 - 8 pm (bring assignments to work on for help and lets work together as a team)

Feb. 11 - Sub lunch money due
Feb. 12 - Science Centre Trip (bring lunch, indoor shoes)

Monday 2 February 2015

The Cold Weather had Returned!

Parent-Teacher-Student Partnership
Session #1:  6:30-8 pm

Mrs. Brassard will be at the front door of the school tonight at 6:25 pm to let people into the school.

See you tonight!

Reading RAD test starts tomorrow
As always, read each day and while doing so, practice your reading strategies.

Remember to follow the required setup for the 6 types of answers.

Remember to do your equivalent fractions practice questions.
Mini-food journal due tomorrow