Monday 27 October 2014

Halloween Week Mania!



Student Goals Sheets

Some students still need to return to school their parent-signed goals sheet for the student-led conference.


Corrections on the 7 "X" questions are due on Tuesday then we will have a quiz!  Make sure you go onto the IXL math program to practice your skills.  You should be doing this 4 times each week.

School Picture re-takes

Re-takes will take place on Nov. 4th.  Students must return their proof package if wanting a re-take.

Halloween Reminders:  Class Party on Friday, October 31 (pm only)

Costume parade during the morning assembly for those wanting to dress up. 
(Note:  no class time provided for changing, students are to come to school in their costumes)

If students have any late assignments as of noon on Thursday, Oct. 30th, they will have time during the afternoon Halloween party to complete them in a homework room with a teacher.  I hope all students choose to complete all outstanding assignments so they can partake in this fun afternoon.

Please enjoy the following Halloween video, it puts a new twist on an old song!

A Scary Funny Musical - just for you this Halloween.


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