Wednesday 29 October 2014

Halloween Hysteria!


Just a reminder to all students:  if you have late assignments and still need to earn "1" AR point for level one; you will work on them with a teacher during our class Halloween party.

All assignments need to be handed in by noon on Thurs. Oct. 30 to attend the party.


We made GLUE, yes, GLUE!.  I am very impressed with the trial & error attempts from my groups!  A big congrats goes out to Richmon, Hailey, Jesse D., Jonathan and Mikias as they made the strongest glue in the class.

Page 94 #4:  A- H (student choice to pick 5 questions to do)
Due:  October 30

Nostalgic Song used in Halloween video, Enjoy!

Thriller Animation


1)  From Oct. 30th on :  No late assignments accepted for the rest of the term. 
      Students have know about this for 2 weeks.

2)  Oct. 31:  Halloween costume parade during am assembly (student choice), PM Class party or
     doing late assignments with a teacher in a work room.

3)  Nov. 4:  Picture Re-Take Day  (return proof package this day)

4)  4 Times per week go onto IXL math online to practice math skills.

5)  Daily read for 15-20 minutes and review what you have read using our reading strategies to
     strengthen your comprehension.

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