Wednesday 29 October 2014

Halloween Hysteria!


Just a reminder to all students:  if you have late assignments and still need to earn "1" AR point for level one; you will work on them with a teacher during our class Halloween party.

All assignments need to be handed in by noon on Thurs. Oct. 30 to attend the party.


We made GLUE, yes, GLUE!.  I am very impressed with the trial & error attempts from my groups!  A big congrats goes out to Richmon, Hailey, Jesse D., Jonathan and Mikias as they made the strongest glue in the class.

Page 94 #4:  A- H (student choice to pick 5 questions to do)
Due:  October 30

Nostalgic Song used in Halloween video, Enjoy!

Thriller Animation


1)  From Oct. 30th on :  No late assignments accepted for the rest of the term. 
      Students have know about this for 2 weeks.

2)  Oct. 31:  Halloween costume parade during am assembly (student choice), PM Class party or
     doing late assignments with a teacher in a work room.

3)  Nov. 4:  Picture Re-Take Day  (return proof package this day)

4)  4 Times per week go onto IXL math online to practice math skills.

5)  Daily read for 15-20 minutes and review what you have read using our reading strategies to
     strengthen your comprehension.

Monday 27 October 2014

Halloween Week Mania!



Student Goals Sheets

Some students still need to return to school their parent-signed goals sheet for the student-led conference.


Corrections on the 7 "X" questions are due on Tuesday then we will have a quiz!  Make sure you go onto the IXL math program to practice your skills.  You should be doing this 4 times each week.

School Picture re-takes

Re-takes will take place on Nov. 4th.  Students must return their proof package if wanting a re-take.

Halloween Reminders:  Class Party on Friday, October 31 (pm only)

Costume parade during the morning assembly for those wanting to dress up. 
(Note:  no class time provided for changing, students are to come to school in their costumes)

If students have any late assignments as of noon on Thursday, Oct. 30th, they will have time during the afternoon Halloween party to complete them in a homework room with a teacher.  I hope all students choose to complete all outstanding assignments so they can partake in this fun afternoon.

Please enjoy the following Halloween video, it puts a new twist on an old song!

A Scary Funny Musical - just for you this Halloween.


Friday 24 October 2014

End of Week Update!


For 3 weeks we have been working hard on developing an expository using the rubric criteria. Today was the last work period.  All students are to complete their final draft (most are draft #3 final) with their 2 self - assessment comments written down in the comments section.  They are to choose 2 sections of the rubric criteria we have been working on.  Remember:  the pink highlight represents what you are self-assessing for your comment.


Here is an example of what a comment could look like in the comments section:

1) Ideas: I am proud of my paragraph #2 idea as anyone who reads it can clearly understand what they are reading about. 

2)  Organization - My paragraph #1 clearly has all the parts of a paragraph telling  Mrs. B my topic sentence,  5-8 sentences with interesting details, and a clear transition sentence.

Remember to highlight in pink what I am to look at for your self-assessment comment.

 using the rubric criteria! 
Multiplication sheet due on Monday, students chose what 7 questions they would like to do!

Student-Led Conferences

Please make sure you give your parents the note about your upcoming conference and have them sign your goals sheet as you are to return it on Monday.

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Update - October 22, 2014

Today was a busy day for all!  We continued to work hard on draft #2 for the Fuel expository.  Please make the time, if you are behind, (you know who you are), to get caught up to draft #2 with all your editing/revising beyond the basics.  REMEMBER:  RUBRIC IS YOUR BEST FRIEND so refer to it every 5 minutes to stay on track with the criteria.  Expository is due on Tues., Oct. 28 at 9:20 am.

We made an inukshuk today, yes an INUKSHUK out of chocolate!  The students were quite creative in their designs and afterwards, they ate them all up!

2 by 2 Multiplication was started today using the box strategy.  See the below example for help:

Monday 20 October 2014

October 20, 2014

Today we worked hard on editing/revising beyond the basics in our Fuel Expository.   

Check the rubric criteria every 5 minutes to stay on track with your editing and revising.  The rubric can be found in the headings section.

All students are to only work on Draft #1 and literally rip it apart with yellow highlighted areas showing lots of self-editing.  Parents can help edit/revise but are to use the "blue" editing color.

On Tuesday we will accurately review copy and paste into Draft #2.  Do not go into Draft #2 until Tuesday's review.

AR COMPETITION WEEK:  Read, Read, and Read!  Do AR tests before/during/after school to get as many points as possible!

Lastly, remember to go on IXL math online 4 times a week to strengthen math skills.  (Do grade 4 concepts and grade 5 ones we have covered so far this year)

Have a great night reading and writing!

Mrs. B

Thursday 16 October 2014

Welcome to my blog!

This is a site for students and parents to check out what we are studying in class such as finding assignments, videos and links that connect with what we are learning in class to achieve outcomes. I will update this blog every couple days, so be sure to check out what we are doing regularly.

Expository Writing

Students should be finished the planning organizer for the Fuel Shortage expository.  A rough draft should be finished for typing on Oct. 17.

Reminder to students:  Refer to Revision Codes for Office 365 when revising. 
Make sure you regularly (every 5 minutes) look at the rubric CRITERIA!

Grade 5 Expository Rubric
Grade 5 Expository Editing/Revising Checklist

Expository Writing Video