Monday 26 October 2015

Halloween Week!

Goal setting/Learning Strengths

Some students still need to clear their rough copy of goals & learning strengths with me before getting permission to start the good copy. 

Students are aware that they cannot go onto the good copy sheet until they have conferenced goals on the rough copy with the teacher. 

This rough copy was due Oct. 20 so please stress upon your child to complete it as typing time was given on Friday with today being the final day. 

I managed to get an extra hour of tech at the end of tomorrow for those still needing to type after everything is cleared by Mrs. B into OneNote.  Note:  students will have time to clear goals with me again  tomorrow from 9:25 - 9:50 am.  This time is for clearing goals, not completing late work on them so please use your time tonight to get caught up so you are ready to conference on your rough copy.

Upcoming Info:

Please see last week's blog post for information
Oct. 27 - Goals & Learning Strengths typed in OneNote (once rough copy cleared with Mrs. B)
Oct. 28 - Jr Tech Club 3:30 - 5:00 pm
Oct. 29 - all work expectations completed to attend Friday's dance
Oct. 30 - $1 for Halloween Dance in pm (dress in costume all day, ready for assembly costume parade)

Nov. 3 - Song Parody performance
Nov. 5 - Graph paper needed

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