Friday 30 October 2015



Please enjoy the following great photos, we 93% class participation.

Congratulations to AR point goal winners:  Lola, Angelina BB, and Elijah, and Lolagh!

Enjoy your time outside on Saturday and be CAREFUL!



 other scary goblins!

Monday 26 October 2015

Halloween Week!

Goal setting/Learning Strengths

Some students still need to clear their rough copy of goals & learning strengths with me before getting permission to start the good copy. 

Students are aware that they cannot go onto the good copy sheet until they have conferenced goals on the rough copy with the teacher. 

This rough copy was due Oct. 20 so please stress upon your child to complete it as typing time was given on Friday with today being the final day. 

I managed to get an extra hour of tech at the end of tomorrow for those still needing to type after everything is cleared by Mrs. B into OneNote.  Note:  students will have time to clear goals with me again  tomorrow from 9:25 - 9:50 am.  This time is for clearing goals, not completing late work on them so please use your time tonight to get caught up so you are ready to conference on your rough copy.

Upcoming Info:

Please see last week's blog post for information
Oct. 27 - Goals & Learning Strengths typed in OneNote (once rough copy cleared with Mrs. B)
Oct. 28 - Jr Tech Club 3:30 - 5:00 pm
Oct. 29 - all work expectations completed to attend Friday's dance
Oct. 30 - $1 for Halloween Dance in pm (dress in costume all day, ready for assembly costume parade)

Nov. 3 - Song Parody performance
Nov. 5 - Graph paper needed

Monday 19 October 2015

Let's see how we do for the 1st AR Goals Prize Week!


AR student goals are due by Wednesday as I will be submitting them for personal prize draws.  We also need some students to follow through with their team responsibilities as we also are in class challenges for prizes.

Do Mathletics 2X/week on provided topics
Oct. 20 - Persuasive letter brainstorming of reasons due
Oct. 20 - Student Goals roughed out for Mrs. Brassard's okay

Oct. 22 - School Picture order & money due
Oct. 23 - Persuasive Letter due
Oct. 23 - Jr Tech Club 3:30 - 5 pm
Oct. 26 - Arts. Ed group Parody lyrics due

Oct. 27 - Students have approved goals typed on goal sheet in
               OneNote Binder  & Learning Strengths - 2 separate pages (3 Way Conference tab)

Oct. 30 -  Halloween Dance and $1
Nov. 3 - Arts Ed Group Song Parody Performances

Nov. 6 - Term 1 Report Card cutoff date (all outstanding
               assignments are due by 3:00 pm, if not, an NHI grade
               will be assigned unless arrangements made with
               Mrs. Brassard. 

Friday 16 October 2015

Goal setting is truly beneficial with stamina and honest self-reflection!

Goal Setting Session

What a great day!  It was full of fun-filled energy from students and well maybe a bit from Mrs. B! I might of told a story or 2. 

I am so proud of the students as almost everyone completed their 2 EE self-reflection videos over the last 2 days.  It was so rewarding to see students honestly acknowledge their successes/areas needing improvement. We also continued to work on academic goal setting which is a vital component of personal academic responsibility.  These goals will be shared at the November 3 Way Conference.


I had personal conferences will students on their Initial Writing Assessment.  We discussed strengths, areas to improve upon and what needed to be done for future success in the 6 traits of writing.  As always, RUBRIC is your BFF!



All students should be doing this program 2 - 3 times per week at home to elevate skill level.  This is a provincial initiative used to enhance MATH programs which our school is whole-heartedly supporting so please make use of it at home.
Some students have overdue AR reading goals.  Please remember this is a team effort so all need to do their part!
Oct. 19 - Science Conductors sheet is due
Oct. 22 - Picture order & money is due
Oct. 30 - am Halloween costume parade @ 9:30 am in gym (students are to come to school with costumes on as no time will be given to dress/put on makeup)
Oct. 30 pm - Halloween Dance (gr 6-8) Students are to bring $1.00 to attend with proceeds going to our school advent projects.  Students can attend the dance if done their academic job.  Any students with late work will have the opportunity of extra time in the afternoon to do their catchup work.  If anyone who has done their job and chooses not to attend the dance, we were told by Mr. Wahl that a place would be made available to do activities during this time frame. 

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Goal Setting and Portfolio Work is continuous!

Today in Writing students were shown how to do detailed sources for an essay.  Over the next 2 weeks we will review how to make a detailed planning organizer for an essay.  PROPER PLANNING = STRONG WRITING!

It now is mid-term mark of term 1.  Please talk to your child about where they stand mark-wise as some have letters to share with you stating options for improvement.

Practice blogging at home

Oct. 16 - Jr Tech Club as several students need to finish EE for Math test & start EE
               for RAD test
Oct. 19 - Science Conductors sheet
Oct. 22 - School picture money is due


Practice sheets given on input/output machines

Kid President Motivational Video

Thursday 8 October 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone has a great weekend and Thanksgiving meal with their family!  The weather should be fantastic for outdoor play to work off those extra pounds of food you intend on eating!  See you on Tuesday.


Please do no forget to complete your "Worse than a Pig" expository.  It is a major assignment with only 1 more small one to happen before report card cutoff.

Make sure you spend the time editing/revising drafts #1 & #2. 

Complete the final copy (clean, error free with text features added, only ones listed on the rubric) with self-assessment comments on the traits.  Double check that you have followed all setup procedures.

Share your shared name folder with an explanation in the box below by 9:00 am on Tues., Oct. 13.  Be ready to hand in your paperwork in order on Tuesday morning.


Regularly check your email especially after sharing just in case some changes are needed.