Wednesday 3 December 2014

Advent Class Service Project!

Advent Service Project

Each classroom in our hallway is doing an "Advent Service Project".  On Wednesday, December 10th in the morning; our classroom is going to BEAUTIFY ST. CECILIA CHURCH!  Yes, we are going to clean our church from top to bottom for the Advent season. 

We need students to bring rags and pails for cleaning.  All supplies need to be at school by Dec. 9th.

Math Test
I am so pleased with the Math test results!  Many students fully prepared and were rewarded with "Meeting" or "Exceeding" outcomes for Unit 3.  Way to go to all!

Super Hero Power Point Project
Research was to be finished last week and we have had  2/3 classes (3.5 hours) so far creating our power points.  Research catchup as well as power point creating catchup time needs to be done at home.

All power points along with the research organizer plus rubrics are due:  Monday, Dec. 8th

Presentations will be done on Dec. 9 & 10 for speaking evaluations. 

Read daily along with some extra reading if you need more points for your goals.

Dec. 4     Math Sheets 2/3 due
Dec. 4     Science lab materials
Dec. 8     Super Hero Power Point due (no lates accepted)
Dec. 9     Rags & pails brought to school
Dec. 10   Clean church in am
Dec. 10   Santa Shop open ($2 or $1 prices)
Dec. 12   Stocking art project due
Dec. 17   All late work completed to watch concert & attend party (3 pm)
Dec. 18   Class Christmas party in pm
Dec. 19   School breakfast, school ends at noon

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