Friday 4 March 2016

One Sport ends and another Begins!

Another busy week as always.  Congrats for demonstrating strong working stamina, following procedures and organization as they are the keys to success in any endeavor in life!

Badminton has now started and anyone interested in participating should be handed in their permission slip along with mandatory attendance to Fit Club as well as all academics taken care of.


Students have been give 4 hours this week alone to work on creatively presenting their group binder section information. (Note:  some groups doing it by paper, others a OneNote collaborative shared binder)

Students should also be working on this at home as it is the first assignment this year I have given as  a 50 - 50 homework/school project. 


We started changing Fractions to decimals to per cent.  Students need to work on their mental math skills so they can focus on the step by step thinking required instead of calculations.

MATHLETICS SCHOOL AND SYSTEM COMPETION:  STUDENTS NEED TO GO ON LIVE MATHLETICS TO CHALLENGE OTHERS.  Several students records show limited participation in this program.  It is a fantastic program to practice skill development using tech and mental math skills.


Some students still need to contribute to the school's Holy Childhood project

Bring Food Bank donations as per Monday's assembly presentation by gr. 1 class

Mar. 4 - Tech club 3:30 - 5 pm to complete late tech work

Mar. 7 - 2 Lent Booklets due

Mar. 8 - Movie Review video placed in Portfolio with all required components

Mar. 10/11 - No School but students need to do Reading, Mathletics, group binder, and any late work still on the books

Mar. 14 - Math Test on Fractions/Decimals/Per Cent

Mar. 15 & 22 - Curling in the am (Remember to read Mr. Brodner's letter, need clean runners, sweats - easy movement pants, mitts, warm layers)

Mar. 17 - Feed a Friend Lunch